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Revision as of 18:20, 29 December 2018 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (Mark)


'CP' denotes 'compare passage'

What does the word "gospel" mean?
1:40-41 What significant fact does this scripture teach? .'
1:8 What does the phrase "In the day of our Lord Jesus Christ" refer to here?
2:13-14 Who is Levi?
3:20-21 Who are the friends of Jesus referred to here?
3:31-35 What does Jesus mean by what He says here?
4:13 What does Jesus mean by what he says here?
4:21-25 What truth is Jesus teaching here?
4:26-29 What is Jesus likening the kingdom of God to here?
4:-35-39 Is this the same storm as in Mt 8:24?
5:24-34 What do we learn from what happened here?
6:7 Why did Jesus send the disciples out two by two?'
6:36:52 What does Mark mean by what he says here about the disciples? .'
7:1-8 What is the underlying teaching here for New Testament Christians?
8:22-26 What was Jesus' purpose in taking the blind man outside the town, and why did He spit on his eyes?
9:9-10 Why did the disciples not understand what Jesus meant when He talked about being risen from the dead?
9:13 What does Jesus mean that Elijah has indeed come?
9:38-41 What lesson do we learn from what Jesus says here?
10:32-34 Why were the disciples amazed, and the others who followed Jesus here, afraid?
10:46-52 Apart from having his eyesight restored what other significant feature is revealed about Bartimaeus here?
11:15-16 Is this the same scourging in the temple as Matthew records?
11:27-33 What was the purpose behind Jesus' questioning of the Pharisees concerning John's authority to baptize?
14:27 Who prophesied this?
14:51-52 Who is the young man referred to here?
16:1 What Sabbath is referred to here?
16:7 Was Peter singled out specially here as leader of the disciples to be told about Jesus?
16:9-13 Why did the disciples not believe that Jesus had risen from the grave even though He told them He would, and there were witnesses to it?
16:9-20 Should these verses be considered inspired or have they been added to Mark's text later, and are not valid teaching, as some claim?
These Studies by Br Val Boyle may be downloaded and freely distributed but not sold for profit.