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All From http://www.mychristiandaily.com

Methodist Church launches gay marriage consultation OBAMA'S GUILLOTINE'S !!! He really hates christians
Mathematician calculates impossibility of contriving Creation account
Christianity at risk of dying out in a generation, warns Lord Carey
The danger of turning religion into an idol
'God intervened in HIV cure of baby'
UK's action to filter pornography applauded
Western media ignores killing of Christians
Arabian mufti calls for destruction of all Christian churches
Washington dean: It's a sin to oppose homosexuality!
Osborne insults Christians over gay marriage/slavery remark
Obama's foreign policy kills Christians
WATCH NOW "IN A NUTSHELL" if this doesn't scare you into reality, I don't know what will !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=lf9yzHwOeUc
The Final Warning For America 2013-2014- JD Prophecy Update http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=-hTx0GLILYQ
August 2013 The Final Hour 5 of 5 Last days New World Order end times
The United States In Bible Prophecy
Get This Message Out NOW And Prepare Yourself!
Muslim preacher held for inciting acid attack on British teenagers
The Truth About the Church's Fundraising Tactics
Dinner lady sacked for accidentally serving pork to a Muslim child
UN risks credibility with campaign pushing gay rights
Gay couple to sue church over gay marriage opt-out
Church-backed payday lenders may charge up to 80% interest, admits Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby
David Cameron wants to export marriage redefinition 'around the world'
The UK's Muslim taxi rape epidemic
5-year-olds 'should have more gay books in school'
Seattle gay pride participants viciously beat Christian street preacher
Channel 4 to 'provoke' viewers who associate Islam with terrorism with live call to prayer during Ramadan
U.S evangelist jailed in London for 'homophobic speech'
Girl Guides drop religious reference but pledge to self and the Queen
Genetic discoveries challenge ape-to-human evolutionary theory
The homosexual assault on religious freedom
Church of England backs down on same-sex marriage
Gay marriage Bill wins first vote in the Lords
Pastor guilty of selling fake cancer cure on TBN
From a decent Christian boy to a crazed Islamic zealot
'Sickening, deluded and unforgivable': Horrific attack brings terror to London’s streets
Press slams PM's 'crazy' gay marriage obsession
Gay marriage could stop Christians becoming teachers or doctors - church leaders
A British strand of Islam is emerging as more people become converts
Do All Muslims Want to Kill Us?
Church of England facing new abuse allegations
NZ church's controversial gay marriage billboard back up
More than half of Evangelicals view Islam as a violent religion
Judge: Firing teacher who called homosexuality a sin reflects 'modern British values of tolerance'
Archbishop 'supports civil partnerships for heterosexuals'
British Christians divided over same-sex marriage
Marriage: a 'gift from God' that does not include same-sex couples, says report
Evil or benign? Do video games need parental monitoring?
Christian printer to be sued by gay magazine?
The idols of Sunday Morning
First UK official Christian music chart launches
BBC uses Easter show about crucifixion to push gay agenda
UN official tells UK that food-bank growth is human rights issue
Tories hit with further Party losses over gay marriage
Equality regulator: Registrars must perform gay weddings
Why Christians should avoid lottery fever
How we have allowed immorality to creep into our culture
How the Church Has Allowed Immorality to Seep In
The Vatican's $29 million stake in Europe's biggest gay spa
Gay marriage group gets public cash to 'suppress other views'
British teachers say bad behaviour in schools rising
Trinity College hosts Christian group with 'controversial' views on homosexuality
Without God, further crisis
10 inaccuracies in The Bible ... the miniseries, not the book
Knowing what the Bible 'really' means: Are multiple translations best?
How many Americans are 'post-Christian'?
The 7 great lies in the church today
Tensions rise as French parliament gets set for final gay marriage debate