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UN risks credibility with campaign pushing gay rights

The UN human rights office has launched a media campaign promoting homosexual and transgender rights.

The year-long initiative, funded by outside sources, raises questions over the use of UN offices for what some governments will consider propaganda.

The UN leaders' campaign to cast sexual rights as universally agreed human rights comes after years of failing to gain governmental support for homosexuality.

Attempts to legitimize special rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) have repeatedly failed at the Human Rights Council, the governing body over the UN office that produced the campaign.

Navi Pillay, the UN's top human rights official, announced the "Free & Equal" campaign last week in South Africa.

One ad proclaims, "LGBT rights are human rights." In another, Pillay states LGBT rights are "nothing new or special." Critics point out that human rights apply to all people. LGBT rights are distinct, and lead to instituting same-sex marriage, requiring schools hire transsexuals, and discriminating against people with religious views.

"We should all challenge homophobic attitudes," says Pillay as a video shows a protest against Proposition 8, California's amendment stating marriage is one man, one woman.

The campaign lists discrimination, which would include traditional marriage and protecting children from LGBT propaganda, alongside violence and torture.

Opponents disagree that opposing LGBT rights is equivalent to condoning violence, pointing to countries that both limit sexual behaviors and prosecute violence committed against homosexual and transgender people.

The unchartered territory of sexual rights has some societies grappling with unforeseen consequences. Commentator Andrew Harrod reported on a homosexual couple fathering a child with a lesbian couple, and all four raising the child as "father, father, mother, mother."

Another homosexual man has fathered 22 children with lesbian women out of a "drive to procreate, loneliness and quiet revenge against the church."

In countries that legalize same-sex marriage, people face fines, imprisonment and professional discrimination for upholding belief in traditional marriage.

A Pew Research survey found homosexuality is less acceptable in countries where religion is central in people's lives, and more acceptable where religion is not central.

When President Obama pushed homosexuality during a recent visit to Africa, leaders in Kenya pushed back. Kenya "is sovereign and God-fearing," said deputy president William Ruto.

"Those people who have already ruined their society . . . let them not become our teachers to tell us where to go," said Kenya's Cardinal John Njue. Homosexuality is illegal in 38 African nations, and 90% of Kenyans believe homosexuality is wrong.

The UN hired the Purpose Foundation to run the media campaign. The company constructs social media movements to "change the rules" in societies.

Last May the Friday Fax asked Pillay who funds her office's work advocating LGBT rights. She said it comes from Nordic countries. A UN official told AP the funding for Free & Equal comes from "outside contributors."

British politician Anne Widdecombe has criticized officials' priorities. Over 150,000 Christians are killed each year. Around 200 million Christians are socially disadvantaged, harassed or actively oppressed.

"I have been amazed by the sheer extent of persecution of Christians around the world," she stated in 2011. "Why on earth are we not putting religious freedom in as an equal to homosexuality?"


This article courtesy of C-Fam

- See more at: http://www.mychristiandaily.com/index.php/uk/178-news-item-3-uk-europe/7109-un-risks-credibility-with-campaign-pushing-homosexual-rights#sthash.PV6WGd2d.dpuf