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Osborne insults Christians over gay marriage/slavery remark

The Chancellor, George Osborne, has likened the introduction of gay marriage to William Wilberforce's campaign to abolish slavery.

This outlandish remark, made at the Conservative Party Conference, risks offending not only the black majority churches that disagree with same-sex marriage, but also millions Christians in other UK denominations, along with the general public, many of whom are against this unpopular legislation.

Mr Osborne said gay marriage was a "landmark piece of social legislation. William Wilberforce, being the man who freed the slaves, and of Shaftesbury, who said we will limit factory hours and we are not going to let children work down the mines.

"That is a very powerful part of the Conservative story and it is a part that I am very happy to associate myself with."

His party will go down in history as being very divisive among their own MPs with this legislation along with being out of touch with popular opinion.

George Osborne did make a concession in his speech that "redefining marriage was probably not universally popular with the members of his audience". That remark alone will win the "understatement of the year award".

To compare this unpopular law with abolishing slavery is particularly insulting, as it puts people who don't agree with the same sex marriage in "silent slavery", because anybody who wishes to express their objection to this law is called homophobic, bigot, out of touch, part of the last century, etc.

As we have reported before, if you look at where the gay marriage legislation was generated, it came from an EU directive over equality (not a Tory idea).

Therefore, once you have torn down the building blocks of our society, which have been working extreemly well for the last two thousand years, namely the definition of the male and female role, you open Pandora`s box.

There is nothing that will stop Polygamy and even child marriages, when the law indicates that people should have equality to love and marry whom they wish. That is why transvestites and other variations on this theme are demanding equality with their local councils.

UKIP are the only Political Party who have come out against this legislation, as they believe that the state should not interfere with the rights of denominations to marry whom they wish, when this law comes into being next year.

There will be many Churches who will refuse to obey this law and as a result a homosexual man from Essex Drewitt-Barlow said, "The only way forward for us now is to make a challenge in the courts against the church. It is a shame that we are forced to take Christians into a court to get them to recognize us."

So if you think that this story is over, think again!


This article courtesy of The Way

- See more at: http://www.mychristiandaily.com/index.php/uk/176-news-item-1-uk-europe/7884-osborne-insults-christians-over-gay-marriage-slavery-remark#sthash.0TydiNAV.dpuf