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Revision as of 21:21, 2 January 2019 by Admin (Talk | contribs)


1:1 What does the word "revelation" signify?
1:4 (A) What is the significance of the seven churches in Asia John addresses here?
1:5 What does "first begotten of the dead" mean?
1:7 How are we to understand what John says here?'
1:8 What is the significance of the words "Alpha and Omega" here? .'
1:19 How are we to understand what Jesus says here?
2:1-7 What do we learn here from the church at Ephesus?
2:8-11 What do we learn here from the church at Smyrna?
2:12-17 What do we learn here from the church at Pergamos?
2:18-29 What do we learn here from the church at Thyatira?
3:1-6 What do we learn from the church at Sardis?
3:7-13 What do we learn here from the church at Philadelphia?
3:14-22 What do we learn here from the church at Laodicea?
4:6-11 What do the four beasts here (KJV) represent?
5:1-7 What is the significance of what John saw here? '
6:1-2 Who is the rider on the white horse here?
6:5-6 What does the opening of the third seal here signify?
6:7-8 What does the opening of the fourth seal here signify?
6:12-17 What does the opening of the sixth seal here signify?'
7:1-8 Who are the hundred and forty-four thousand Jews here and why are they sealed with the seal of God in their foreheads? .'
8:1-6 How are we to interpret the opening of the seventh seal here?
8:13 What do we learn from what the angel pronounces here?
9:1-2 How are we to understand the fifth trumpet judgment here?
9:13-21 How are we to understand the sixth trumpet judgment here?
10:1-7 Who is the mighty angel here and what is the mystery of God that will be fulfilled during the seventh trumpet judgment?
10:8-11 How are we to understand John eating the book here?
11:1-2 What temple is referred to here and what purpose was served in measuring it?
11:3-6 Who are the two witnesses?
11:14-19 How are we to understand what is said here?
12:1-5 Who does this woman and the man-child symbolize? '
12:6 How are we to understand this?
13:1-7 Who is this beast out of the sea?
13:8 Does this teach as some claim that the names of those whom God has predestined for salvation have been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world?
13:10 What do we learn from this?
13:11-18 Who is this beast and what does the number 666 signify?
14:6-7 What is the everlasting gospel?
14:9-11 What do we learn from what the angel says here?
14:13 Why will those who die from that time be blessed?
14:14-16 What is the harvest of the earth being reaped here?
15:1 What are the seven last plagues referred to here? '
15:2 What is significant about the sea of glass here? .'
16:16 What is the significance of Armageddon?
17:1-6 How are we to understand all this symbolism?
17:7-17 How are we to understand the explanation of the beast here?
17:18 What great city is referred to here?
18:1-3 How are we to define Babylon the Great here?
18:24 Does this mean that Babylon the city is responsible for the death of every saint and prophet slain on the earth throughout history?
19:1-5 Who is the great whore referred to here?
19:7-9 Is the church the lamb's wife or bride of Christ as so many Christians believe?
19:9 Will the marriage supper of the lamb be a literal meal or is it symbolic? '
19:10 What does it mean that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy? .'
19:11-21 What is portrayed here?
20:1-3 How are we to understand this?
20:4-6 Is the thousand year reign of Christ with the resurrected saints referred to here literal or symbolic?
20:11 What does it mean here that heaven and earth fled away from Christ's face and there was found no place for them?
20:11-15 How are we to understand the great white throne judgment and the lake of fire?
21:1 What does it mean "and there was no more sea"?
21:2 What do we learn from New Jerusalem here "prepared as a bride adorned for her husband"?
21:3-8 Who is speaking here and what do we learn from what they say?
21:12-18 How are we to understand what John says here?
21:23-25 Does this mean that there will be no sun and moon in eternity?'
22:1-2 How are we to understand the river of water of life and the tree of life here? '
22:4 What do we learn from this? .'
22:10-12 What do we learn from what is said here?
22:15 What does the term "dogs" mean here?
22:17 How are we to understand this?
22:18-19 Does the curse John pronounces here apply to the book of Revelation or to the bible as a whole?