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17:1-6 How are we to understand all this symbolism?

17:1-6 How are we to understand all this symbolism?

First of all, as we learned in our study on Rev 13:1-7, the beast upon which the woman sits symbolizes Antichrist (cp Re 13:1-7

(see also comments on Re 13:1-7 and 17:7-17)).

The names of blasphemy the beast is full of refers to Antichrist's self-deification (cp Dan 7:25; 11:36-37; 2Th 2:3-4; Rev 13:5-6 (for a detailed study on the symbolism of the seven heads and ten horns etc, see comments on Rev 17:7-17)).

The woman in Rev 17:1-6 is called Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots, and abominations of the earth. This Babylon is symbolic, and not to be confused with Great Babylon in Rev 16:19, which is a literal city that will be destroyed in the great earthquake during the seventh vial judgment of God upon the earth at the end of the tribulation (cp Rev 16:17-19 with Isa 13:19-22; Jer 51:5-8, 25-26; Rev 14:8; 18:1-3, 5, 8, 20-21 (for a detailed study on Babylon, the literal city,

see comments on Rev 18:1-3)).

We see in all those scriptures that God destroys Babylon, the literal city, whereas Antichrist and the ten kings of the ten future world kingdoms, destroy Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots, and abominations of the earth (cp Rev 17:12-17). This clearly proves that they are two distinct entities.

Rev 17 is another parenthetical passage. It has been inserted here to show the contrast between symbolic Babylon, and Babylon the literal city. Babylon the literal city however, will be the seat of the apostate religious system (cp Re 17:18 (see also comments on Rev 17:18)).

Fornication in Rev 17:1-6 is spiritual, it refers to idolatrous religious practices (cp Isa 23:17; 31:3-7; Jer 3:6-9; Eze 16:15-26, 30-32; 20:30-32; 23; 13-17; Hos 4:12-19; 9:1; Nah 3:4; Jas 4:4; Rev 2:20-22).

Abominations is Rev 17:1-6 covers everything that is detestable to God - especially idolatry and licentiousness.

Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots, and abominations of the earth symbolizes a vast apostate religious system which has its origins in the religious rites and mysteries of ancient Babylon. It is immensely wealthy, and will have dominion over kings and kingdoms, political leaders and nations, and people throughout the earth. These are "the many waters" upon which "the great whore sits" in Rev 17:1-2 (cp Rev 17:7, 12:15).

This apostate religious system, in league with Antichrist, will be responsible for shedding the blood of countless Christians for their witness to Christ during the first half of the tribulation (cp Rev 16:4-6 with Re 6:9-11; 17:6; 19:1-2).

Antichrist will turn on the apostate religious system midway through the tribulation in order to set up his own image - the abomination of desolation - in the temple, to be worshipped as God, and the ten kings will destroy the apostate religious system (cp Dan 7:7-8, 21, 24-25; 8:8-12, 23-25; 9:27; 11:31, 36-39 with Mt 24:15; Rev 13:1-8; 17:16-17; 19:1-2).
