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13:11-18 Who is this beast and what does the number 666 signify?

13:11-18 Who is this beast and what does the number 666 signify?

Another beast here signifies another man in addition to the man - Antichrist - symbolized by the first beast in V1(cp V1). Earth in V 11, like sea in V1, is used symbolically of peoples.

It is also the same Greek word as world in V 3, which symbolizes the inhabitants of the earth (cp V 3 with Gen 9:19; 11:1; 19:31; Rev 6:8; 11:6; 19:2).

Thus we see that the man which the beast symbolizes in Rev 13:11 is also a human being like Antichrist. He too is not a supernatural being, as so many suppose. Some believe that he is Judas reincarnated, brought up from the underworld.

If that was correct it means that Judas would then die twice, not once, yet scripture clearly teaches that everyone under the curse - except the saints still living at the time of the rapture - only has to die once (cp He 9:27 with 1 Th 4:16-18).

Two horns like a lamb symbolize the man as gentle natured, but in reality ... and he spake like a dragon depicts his real nature. He is an evil monster (cp Rev 13:11).

John refers to him as "the false prophet". He is empowered to work miracles and deceive people into believing that Antichrist is God. He will enable the image of Antichrist, which will be set up in the temple, to talk as God. He will cause people to worship the image and will behead those who refuse (cp Rev 13:12-15 with Mt 24:15; 2Th 2:3-4 and Rev 20:4).

He will also cause people to receive the mark, or the name, or the number, of Antichrist in their right hand or in their foreheads, in order to buy and sell. It is better to die though than to receive any of these marks, or worship the beast, for all who do so will be destroyed by God (cp Rev 13:16-17 with Re 14:9-11).

After their defeat by Jesus at Armageddon, the false prophet and Antichrist will both be cast alive into the lake of fire (cp Rev 19:19-20).

Satan will be bound in chains and cast into the bottomless pit during Christ's thousand years reign on earth, but he will be let loose at the end of the thousand years for a short time, and will try to start another rebellion against God.

He will fail again and will then be cast into the lake of fire with Antichrist and the false prophet, to be tormented day and night for ever and ever (cp Rev 20:1-3, 7-10).

It is pointless speculating what the mark of the beast / Antichrist will be. It is not his name or the number of his name, 666, for the mark, his name and the number of his name are all different. Scriptures clearly distinguish between them (cp Rev 13:16-18; 14:9; 15:2-4; 20:4). All we know is that it will be a literal mark (cp Re 13:16; 14:9).

Opinions vary among Christians as to which of the beasts in Rev 13 is Antichrist. Some hold to the first, others to the second. This study clearly proves the first is Antichrist. Being correct though is not fundamental to salvation, so when opinions differ let us agree to disagree in love.

14:1-5 See comments on

Rev 7:1-8 and 12:1-5.
