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Study's 35-39

Study 35

Not race - religion

Ezra 9 and 10

A superficial reading of theses chapters might leave the impression that Ezra was a hardened racist and an advocate of divorce. Neither description would fit him - any more than it would fit God, whose law Ezra had taught with such deviating effect.

1.Write down the cause of Ezra's violent reaction in 9:1-5. Why was marriage to foreign wives considered 'unfaithfulness', an offence, or sin (verses 2 and 4)? Look up Deuteronomy 7:1-6. Why was marriage to foreigners outlawed for God's holy people?


2. Ezra's concern was not only that Israel had broken faith with God by disregarding his law (9:10-12), but that the returned exiles had also sinned against God's mercy (9:13-15). Look over his prayer of confession in 9:6-15. How does he sum up the history of Israel? How does he interpret his own day - especially for the small part of Israel (the 'remnant', 9:8) that had returned to the land?


Malachi (probably Ezra's contemporary) gives a valuable insight into the situation in Malachi 2:10-16. It would appear that Jews may have been divorcing their Jewish wives in favour of the woman of the land.

3. What is God's attitude to divorce? Why do you think that divorce was the only solution to Israel's problem in Ezra 10?


Ezra identified himself with the sin of the people as he prayed to God (9:6). Try to enter into his attitude as you confess your sin in the light of both God's law and God's grace. Then pray for the nation and God's church today.


1. The book of Ezra provides a good way into reading the other Old Testament literature relating to the same period. Try to read as much of it as you can over the weekend. (You will find a list of the relevant biblical books in the chart.)

2. Look up reference to 'divorce' in a good Bible dictionary, and follow through some of the New Testament references.

Doubtless you know of the appalling physical and spiritual needs present in our world. But have you considered how it is possible for you to help alleviate them? Every believer has a part to play in Christ's church and its mission. Through these studies we'll see what's involved in being a missionary (Studies 2 and 3) and how you can help (Studies 4 and 5). But first let's see why mission is important.

Study 36

'As the Father has sent me, I am sending you' Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47; John 20:21

1.Put into your own words the task given to the church.


2. Why do you think the same commission is repeated in all four Gospels?


3. What would you reply to the sceptic who says, 'Christians shouldn't interfere with those who hold other beliefs?


4. How would you answer the person who says he's too busy with the spiritual needs of his own land to care about other places?


Read Matthew 9:35-38. For what purpose does Christ send his people?


Study 37

Paul - a missionary in the making

Acts 7:54 - 8:4; 9:1-31; 13:1-3

It's easy to put missionaries on pedestals and assume them to be especially holy types! But this is sometimes a way of evading God's demands on you. Today's study shows how a highly unlikely candidate for a missionary found his calling.

1. Saul. List what you know about his background and previous actions. Is he the 'type' you'd expect to become a Christian? Once converted, what natural gifts does he have that God makes use of? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.Crisis. What happened to Paul was exceptionally dramatic, but what elements are common to everyone's conversion?


3.Paul. What new priorities does Paul have, now he's a Christian?


4.Commission. Can you work out the respective roles played by Paul, the local church and the Holy Spirit in determining Paul's career? Are there any hints in this study about what may constitute a missionary 'call'?

Think about what qualities are needed to be a missionary.


Study 38

For the sake of Christ

Galatians 1:11-24; Philippians 3:1-24

The two passages today show something of Paul's attitude towards his missionary life, revealing his worries and goals. God did not insulate him from life's difficulties despite his key role in the church.

1. Where does the gospel come from? Note down the preparations Paul undergoes before starting his ministry. (Galatians)


2. Make a list of those things which most dominated Paul's life. What might get in the way of commitment to Christ? List some of the priorities which should take the highest place in your life. (Philippians).


Are there any aspects of your life that you aren't prepared to surrender for the sake of Christ?

Study 39

How can I help . . . Now?

2 Corinthians 1:8-11; 9:1-15; Philippians 4:10-20.

It's neither possible nor right for all of us to serve God overseas. But there are ways in which we can all help. Today's study investigates how.

1. 2 Corinthians 1:8-11. Why does Paul want others to know of his sufferings? What part to play have the people to whom he writes? In what ways could you support someone away from home for the sake of the gospel?


2. 2 Corinthians 9:1-5. Why should you give money away and to whom?


3. Philippians 4:10-20. How does God look at this and repay it? What kind of giving does God value most?


Ask your Minster which missionaries your church supports. Find out about them and start supporting one or more with your prayers, money and letter writing.

Study's 40-44

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