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Study's 40-44

Study 40

Being prepared

Isaiah 6:1-10

No child of God can claim exemption from the directive to let the whole world know what Jesus has done. The initial call of Christ to his disciples was to 'Follow me' and its immediate result would be 'and I will make you fishers of men' (Matthew 4:19). So often we hear the question, 'How do I know if God is calling me to his service? . . . The question should rather be framed 'Since God has called me to this tremendous task, what particular part does he want me to play?

1. Note down some of those things which Isaiah's vision teaches him about God's character and his own needs.


2. Why is Isaiah prepared to take on God's tasks?


3. Look at the message he's to take - will everyone accept God's message? Imagine what discouragement's Isaiah will face.


Lord help me to do whatever you ask of me?


1. Begin your prayers for the world by adopting one particular country of your choice. Find out all you can about it, such as: the number of local Christians and missionaries; what missions operate there; what the people are like; how the economy runs; how you can find up-to-date prayer information. You could compile a file of information on it. Don't forget that the country is an organic whole with real, live inhabitants! Perhaps get to know about the country of an overseas student or immigrant family that you know.

2. Mission also includes social action in its meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Study 41

Hebrews: a portrait of Christ

The Jewish nation was going through hard times and the religious authorities were urging loyalty to their heritage. They were hostile to Christians, now excluding them from the Temple. Being a Christian was made to seem unpatriotic. Hebrews was written to these Christian Jews who were being tempted to turn back to the old ways. Hebrews teaches us that Christ is final, perfect revelation of God to man. It gives a full picture of both his deity and humanity, in a way no other book of the Bible does. This week's study therefore asked you to read the whole of it!

The Son of God Hebrews 1-3 God had spoken to man many times through his servants, but never before by his Son. Hebrews stresses the absolute supremacy of this final revelation, over all others.

1. List some of the statements made about Christ. In what ways is he greater than angels, prophets and Moses?


Note: 2:10 Although morally perfect, Jesus became more perfectly equipped for God's work.

2. What do you learn about the nature of man? Why did Jesus become a man?


The Israelites are warned they must obey God. Think of any ways in which you are disobeying him. Pray that God will keep you mindful of his glory and majesty; and make you responsive to hearing his word.

Study 42

The promise of God

Hebrews 4-6 As the Israelities entered the Promised Land, so we can enter God's rest by accepting his gift of salvation. Christ has made this possible, but it brings certain responsibilities. We don't just settle our sins and live as we please. Our behaviour in the 'wilderness' (i.e. this life) shows whether we have truly believed.

1. Summarise the main evidence that God's promises are irrevocable and unshakeable.


2.Note down some reasons why Christ's priesthood is better than the Levitical one.


Notes:4:11 'Disobedience' is not believing, 6:4-6 'Enlightened' - hearers, but not necessarily believers.

3. What responsibilies do you have concerning your spiritual life?


One responsibility we do have, is to store up God's word, so remind yourself of this, by learning 4:12.

Have you grown as you should? Pray God helps you remove the things that hinder your growth and cultivate those helpful activities.

Study 43

The High Priest of God

Hebrews 7 and 8 God regarded the Levitical priesthood as imperfect and obsolete. As made clear in Galatians 3:24-25, the law existed to lead us to Christ. A Jewish Christian may be tempted to keep the law as well as accepting Christ, so it is important to explain the temporary nature of the old covenant.

God always intended the more ancient and perfect Order of Melchizedek to come to fruition in Jesus. The Levitical system could never meet our needs. In today's study we see only Christ can do this.

1. List some reasons why the new covenant is superior to the old.


2. What are some ways that Jesus Christ is unique?


3. Why do we need a High Priest?


Consider all that Jesus endured for our sake, such as the crucifixion. Thank God that he has provided a way of salvation, and pray that you will be a faithful witness to it.

Study 44

Entering the presence of God

Hebrews 9 and 10 The annual Day of Atonement was an awesome occasion. The people stopped work, fasted, and in sacred assembly watched the High Priest enter the Most Holy Place. God was seen to be separate from sin. This elaborate system was only the shadow, pointing forward and preparing men for Christ. He gave himself as a perfect sacrifice and became High Priest for ever. Unlike the Jews, we can now come right into God's presence at any time - if we want to.

1.Make two lists showing the difference between the sacrifices in the Tabernacle and Christ's. What has been achieved by Christ's sacrifice?


2. What are some encouragement's and warnings we are given to guide us in the Christian life?


Memory verse: Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds (10:23-24).

What effect do you have on other Christians? Are you helpful, sympathetic and positive, or negative and critical? Pray that you will be a blessing to other people.

Study's 45-50

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