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Chapter Seven..

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Back to Study the Book of First Corinthians

1.What does Paul state about the relationship between men and women? .
2.What direction does Paul give to the saints in Corinth so they may avoid fornication? .
3.What does Paul advise concerning those who are married? .
4.What is true of the marriage relationship? .
5.What does Paul explain in verse six? .
6.What was Paul’s desire? .
7.What does Paul acknowledge? .
8.What does Paul say to the unmarried and the widows? .
9.What is the Lord’s charge to the married saints? .
10.What is Paul’s counsel to the saint who has an unbelieving wife or an unbelieving husband? .
11.What is true in the sight of God? .
12.What is true of the children of a home where one parent is a Christian and the other parent is an unbeliever? .
13.What if the unbeliever leaves because his or her wife or husband has become a Christian? .
14.Of what does the Christian husband or wife have no guarantee? .
15.What does Paul state as a general principle? .
16.What is true of a circumcised male when he becomes a Christian? .
17.What is true of the uncircumcised Gentile male when he becomes a Christian? .
18.What does Paul say about the spiritual value of circumcision? .
19.What concept does Paul repeat? .
20.What about a slave who receives Christ as Saviour? .
21.What is true of the Christian who is a slave? .
22.What is true of the free citizen who becomes a Christian? .
23.What does Paul say about slavery? .
24.What does Paul state for the third time? .
25.What is true of Paul’s comments concerning virginity? .
26.Why does Paul say it is good for a man to remain unmarried or married according to the circumstances in which he was converted to Christ? .
27.What is true of a man or a virgin woman who marries? .
28.What is generally true of people who marry? .
29.What does Paul say about the length of time that will transpire before Jesus returns? .
30.How should we behave in view of the fact that the world system is passing away and Jesus is coming soon? .
31.What is Paul’s desire for us? .
32.What is true of the unmarried saint? .
33.What is true of the married saint? .
34.What is the difference between a wife and a virgin? .
35.Why does Paul give such advice? .
36.How long is a wife bound to her husband? .
37.When her husband dies, whom may she marry? .
38.What is Paul’s opinion? .
39.What does Paul say of himself? .

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