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Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Vol 3

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There are three major phases of the Divinely provided redemption that is in Christ. The three phases are not like three rungs on a ladder we are to climb or three grades in school we are to attain. Rather, the three phases are as three facets of one diamond. They are three dimensions of the one redemption that we possess, entire and whole, when we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.

The redemption that is in Christ is a powerful work, a broad work, a perfect work. It includes the growth of the believer to spiritual maturity, which is the image of Christ; the growth of the Church, the Body of Christ, to the Bride of the Lamb without blemish of any kind; and the setting up of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

The believer is "born again" into the Kingdom of God and baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Church, the Body of Christ. The saint then fights his way, by the wisdom and power that the Holy Spirit gives, into the "throne" phase of redemption. He must "overcome" if he is to rule with Christ and be God’s son.

In order to enter each of the three areas of redemption we must die the specific death God has ordained. If we are willing to go through the "deaths" God has decreed, we will receive the accompanying resurrections.

Christ asks you: "Will you be saved?"

If your answer is yes, He will bring down your old nature into crucifixion with Him and will raise you in the likeness of His resurrection. You will be protected from wrath by His blood, received of the Father, made alive by the Spirit of God, and born again by His Divine Substance placed in you.

Christ ask you: "Will you follow the Holy Spirit in sanctification?"

If your answer is yes, the Holy Spirit will furnish you each day with the wisdom and power to put to death the deeds of your body. Your fleshly lusts will be brought into subjection to the will of the Spirit. In their place will flow deeds, words, and thoughts that glorify God and testify of the redeeming authority and power that are in Christ. You will be holy and behave in a holy manner.

Christ asks you: "Will you lose your life for My sake and the Gospel’s?"

If your answer is yes, He will teach you obedience in the school of suffering. He may demand every one of your rights and privileges as a person and as a Christian. Will you allow Him to treat you in this way without grumbling and complaining? Is there any point at which you will refuse Christ?

If you will obey the Lord through every testing He will raise you to His throne. The fullness of fruitfulness and dominion will be yours.

Table of Contents

Becoming a Conqueror: Conquest Defined

Samson: a type of the Church today
Other Old Testament examples
The fellowship of His sufferings

Christ: the Servant of the Lord

How we enter conquest

Summary: Conquest Defined 19
Conquest, and the Tabernacle of the Congregation

The veil before the Most Holy Place
The Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle
The Ark of the Covenant
Moving toward the Ark: Psalms Twenty-four
The army of the Lord follows the Ark
Summary of the meaning of the Ark
The Mercy Seat
The Most Holy Place: the Oracle
Lighted by the Shechinah

The Conquest Domain of Christianity

The inheritance: spiritual dominion over the creation
Wresting control of the material realm

The Feasts of the Seventh Month
The First Feast of the Seventh Month: Trumpets

Joel’s army and the Day of Christ
Habakkuk portrays the Day of the Lord
The Day of the Lord in Revelation, Chapter Nineteen
The army of Christ, in Second Thessalonians
Events of the end-time
The fulfillment of the blowing of Trumpets

The Second Feast of the Seventh Month: The Day of Atonement

Two goats: two dimensions of the atonement
Christ’s appearing: the day of reconciliation
The world to be reconciled to God

The Third Feast of the Seventh Month: Tabernacles

The eighth day: God tabernacles with men
Preparation for the land of promise
Death to self-seeking and guile: our "Jacob" nature
The third resurrection—surpassingly glorious
Two armies: authority and power; saints and angels
The Lamb and His followers
Crushing the head of the serpent
The Temple of God: the Church
Strengthened with might by God’s Spirit
Our resurrection body is being created now
After the resurrection, an eternity of rulership and service

Crossing Jordan: Conquest of the Land of Promise

Crossing the Jordan river
Entering Canaan: fear overtakes the enemy
A time of circumcision of the heart
Possessing the promise of God: Jericho
Victory, but not in our own strength
Five kings of wickedness judged
The rest of God
From Moses to Joshua

The Last Three Days of Creation

The fifth day: the beginning of "life"
The sixth day: the creation of the image of Christ
The four directives defining mankind
The seventh day: the rest of God
Seven aspects of the rest of God

Hosea, Chapter Six: Third Day

The third day: the thousand-year Kingdom Age
Perfecting the Church and governing the nations

Waters to the Loins; Waters To Swim in

Judgement and refreshing
Church history, and the deepening waters

Christ Walks: Third Day
Bearing the Hundredfold Fruit of the Spirit
The Third Level of Noah’s Ark
Overcoming by Loving Not Our Lives to the Death
The Third Anointing of David
The Third Temptation of Christ

The pinnacle: God’s prison of waiting
The cross

The Area of Conquest


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