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Hell is a Christian Hoax 34

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Contradiction #21

There were giant spiders, huge spiders this big (Bill gestures 5 feet tall) Rats, snakes ( as big as trains according to another tape of Bill's) and worms, because the Bible talks about worms that cover thee (Isaiah 14:11). There are all kinds of abominable creatures everywhere and they seemed to be chained to the walls. I wondered "Why are these things chained to the walls".

Does the Bible really confirm Bill's outlandish suggestion that there are "animals in hell, chained to a wall, for all eternity?" We are told that the reason for Hell is to torment and torture those who "Rejected Jesus as their Saviour."

All those who sin and fail to repent of their sins before they die, are assigned to hell for all eternity according to orthodox Christianity. So then, the natural question is when did animals "sin?" And when did animals "reject Jesus as their Saviour?" And why are these animals all distorted and many times larger than on the earth's surface. If Bill can't give us a chapter and verse on this, where is it? Where, when, and how, do animals commit sin and reject Jesus as their Saviour? How crazy can one's theology get? It's Bill Wiese who needs to be taken to the wall for his damnable heresies, not God's animals.

Contradiction #22

"My gaze followed the beasts up the sides of the wall, and I saw that there was a hole in the top of the cave. It was the entrance to an upward tunnel, approximately thirty-five feet in diameter. The fiendish creature lined the tunnel walls as well...Suddenly I began ascending up through the tunnel. I didn't know how I was able to ascend or why. At first I rose slowly, and as I went higher, I could view the vast wasteland of hell.

Not only are Bill's fairytale ramblings unscriptural, most of them are also anti-Scriptural, and many others are unscientific and physiological impossibilities.

This #22 is just such an example.

Bill said he was in a cave, and at the top of the cave was a tunnel. He begins to ascend up the tunnel (which was 35 feet in diameter). He states that, "...as I went higher, I could view the vast wasteland of hell." What a crock. When one is in a vertical tunnel, the higher one goes in that vertical tunnel, the smaller (not larger) one's field of view becomes. At a relatively short distance up the tunnel (say 4 or 5 feet) one can see a large area of the ground directly below him. But, as one goes higher and higher (say 4 or 5 hundred feet, one literally begins to experience "tunnel vision." That is, the higher one goes, the less ground area is visible.

A very simple way to prove what I am saying is through a simple experiment. I asked my wife for the cardboard cylinder from a role of wrapping paper. I then cut one inch off of the end. Holding the one inch tube to your right eye and closing the left eye, you should be able to see the entire wall of a normal sized room through the one inch tube.

Next, hold up a longer tube (approx. 10 inches long from a roll of paper towels), and look at the same wall from the same distance. What do you see? A broader expanse of the wall? No, a much smaller area of the wall, Looking through one inch of tubing, you can see an area of approximately 144 sq. ft. With the ten inch tube you can see less than 3 sq. ft. Next do the same experiment with the long tube from the wrapping paper, and your field of view will be only a few square inches.

You now have scientific proof that Bill lies. And unless or until Bill repents of these damnable lies, he is destined for the "lake of fire," "furnace of fire," "eonian fire," "unquenchable fire," "baptism by fire," "salted with fire," "Gehenna fire," and "refiner's fire," which are metaphors for God's thorough cleansing and purifying.

The higher up the tunnel he would travel, the less area he would be able to see. So what he is telling us is clearly a fabrication. It is in fact, a scientific impossibility to see a greater expanse the higher one goes in a tunnel.

Contradiction #23

If there is a thirty-five foot diameter tunnel which travels from the surface of the earth to the middle of the earth, where is it?

Bill said that he went to the near-center of the earth through a 35 foot diameter vertical, tunnel. Where is it? Satellites have been mapping every square foot of the earth's surface for decades. Where is this mammoth tunnel? - nowhere but in the bad imaginations of Bill Wiese, that's where.

Contradiction #24

Bill's three thousand, seven hundred mile, solid rock tunnel defies the known laws of science. How can a rock-lined tunnel remain hard and stable as it passes through thousands of miles of extremely hot molten liquid rock? At the very least, the tunnel and Bills holding cell in the cavern at the bottom of the tunnel would be filled completely with the molten lava falling down from above.

Throw some rocks into the mouth of an active volcano and see what happens to them. They melt. No rock tunnel could withstand being engulfed by molten rock, thousands of degrees hot, without melting itself.

Contradiction #25

Why is there no water in Bill's hell? Bill says that there is absolutely no water in the tunnel or cavern of hell. Yet this tunnel of necessity must pass through various underground water tables. And seeing that gravity pulls things down, all this water would fall to the bottom of this tunnel, and the whole thing would be flooded with billions of gallons of water. Bill does not seem to be one who mediates on basic principles of Science and Physics. All such principles of Science and laws of Physics are the inventions and creations of God, by the way.

Contradiction #26

Where is all the material that was taken out of the earth to create this tunnel?

Bill says that this tunnel to the cavern of hell was constructed for the Devil and his angels. The rock from a tunnel 35 feet in diameter and nearly four thousand miles deep would produce a mountain of rock that would dwarf Mount Everest. Where is that mountain of rock located next to a nearly four thousand mile tunnel? Surely not on the surface of this Earth we live on.

Maybe Bill would like to bypass all of these insurmountable problems by saying that God "supernaturally" transported him into the center of the earth? Fine, but then the whole idea of tunnel is meaningless. God doesn't need a tunnel to "supernaturally" transport someone down into the earth. This then brings up another Contradiction for Bill.

Contradiction #27

How long did it take Bill to get from his home in California to this distant tunnel location, then travels 3,700 miles down the tunnel, tour hell for some time, describing dozens of things he experienced and witnessed, then travel back up the tunnel 3700 miles, take a tour of the earth from outer space, and come back through "the heat shields(?)," back to the United States and his California home?

If the entrance to this tunnel is somewhere on the other side of the earth from California, that would be roughly twelve thousand miles. Bill says it was about three thousand seven hundred miles to the cavern of Hell, another three thousand seven hundred miles back to the entrance, add another twelve thousand miles back to California, that equals thirty-one thousand four hundred miles, and He traveled that huge distance (making all kinds of observations along the way), all in 23 short minutes?

Bill said that he "travelled," "journeyed," and was moving "slowly" up the tunnel on his return trip. He had time to witness grotesque animals chained to the walls. He watched other people falling down this tunnel to the hell below. He had time to take a tour of outer space and view the earth from that vantage, etc. And he accomplished all these experiences plus travelling over thirty thousand miles, in 23 short little minutes

If he traveled at ten thousand miles an hour from his home in California, to the entrance to the tunnel, down to the cavern 3700 miles below, and then back up the tunnel, and back to his home in California, it would have taken him over three hours to make the journey. Yet Bill accomplished this journey in just 23 minutes.

Contradiction #28

Bill says that our souls cannot die.

"Your soul cannot die, and you are lost and in torment forever" (23 Minutes, p. 37). Is it Scripturally true (or Scientific for that matter) that "souls" cannot die?

First, what is a "soul?" The Bible is very clear on this, albeit, Christian doctrine has not a clue as to what the human soul is. It is taught that the soul is a third component that God used in creating Adam-body, spirit, and soul. Not true. The soul is not a created component of a human. The soul is the sentient person, the thinking, feeling, conscious man.

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" (Gen. 2:7).

Here then is a literal translation of Gen. 2:7:

"And forming is Yahweh Elohim ( GOD) the human of soil from the ground, and He is blowing into his nostrils the breath of the living, and becoming is the human a living soul."

And so clearly, man was not given a third component at creation called a soul, but rather when God blew the breath of life (called a wind or spirit from God) into the man, then the man himself became a living soul. The word in Hebrew for wind, and breath, and spirit is ruach. And it is this spirit breath of life that returns to God at death, not the soul. And the ruach/breath/spirit has no consciousness of its own, hence when a person dies, "his thoughts perish" (Psalm 146:4).

The spirit, breath of life-ruach, is what gives "life" to the body. There is soul only when the spirit gives life to the body. The spirit has no soul or sensation or consciousness of itself, but only when it gives life to the body. When God takes back His spirit from our bodies, they die and there is no more consciousness until God resurrects those dead people. Dead bodies have no consciousness, and separated spirits have no consciousness. Only living bodies made alive by God's spirit, have consciousness.

And so contradictory to Bill's tall tales and Christian theology, the Bible informs us that souls can and do die: "The soul ( Heb. 'nephesh') that sins it ( the soul, that particular person) shall DIE" (Ezek. 18:4 & 20).

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