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Hell is a Christian Hoax 35

Contradiction #29

"Jesus said to me, 'Go and tell them about this place...I replied to Him, 'YES, OF COURSE I'LL GO.' God's will is for all to be saved. I had the most compelling desire to do His will. In His presence, the things that were usually so important to me suddenly seemed so insignificant. I felt so honored to be able to do something that would please Him...He gave me the easy part-all I have to do is open my mouth and tell the people, and He draws them to Himself"" (23 Minutes, page 34 & 35).

"Finally He ( Jesus) said, 'Tell them I am coming very, very soon.' In my spirit, I felt an urgency to warn as many people as possible, as time is running out. He ( Jesus) sternly said it again: 'TELL THEM I AM COMING VERY, VERY SOON!' (p. 37). ( CAPS are Bill's) . Time is running out. We must get the truth out to people so they can know that there is a choice to make...Like a soldier being commanded by his general, all I wanted to do was to obey His order" (pp 37-38).

"I was completely exhausted. The fatigue was greater than any I have ever experience in my life. Even so, the next day, I wanted to call everyone I knew who didn't believe in hell and make them listen to me. I knew that I needed to rest and allow myself to recover, but I had to alert them. It wasn't just my friends and family, either, I wanted to do that with everyone" (p. 47 & 48).

"I woke up each morning thinking I had to warn people, and went to bed each night wondering whom I might have missed that day. Everywhere I went, I would look at people and think, 'I wonder how many of them are going to hell. I must find a way to tell them about Jesus'" (p. 48).

Bill had an urgency to tell every single person he met (beginning on "the next day" about Jesus and how to avoid hell:


"I had a MOST COMPELLING DESIRE to do His will"

"All I have to do is open my mouth"

"I felt AN URGENCY TO WARN as many people as possible"

"All I wanted to do was OBEY His order"

"I HAD to alert them"

"I wanted to do that ( alert them) with EVERYONE"

"I woke up each morning thinking I had to warn people"

"And ( I) went to bed each night wondering whom I might have missed that day"

"I must find a way to tell them about Jesus"

"The NEXT DAY ( following his experience) I wanted to call everyone I knew"

And now for Bill's big lying contradictions:

( 1) "ONE DAY AFTER the November 22, `98 experience...I voiced to the Lord, 'Lord, can You simply confirm that I truly was there last night" (23 Minutes, p. 5).

Just one day after his "experience," Rather than "calling everyone he knew," Bill doubted that he ever went to hell the day before, and so he told no one!

So rather than "calling everyone he knew" on the next day, what did he actually do on "the next day"? "However, at the same time, I DIDN'T WANT TO TELL ANYONE about my personal 'visit' there or about the time I spent with the Lord."

( 2) "ONE WEEK later: I was having lunch with three local pastors...( one pastor) turned to me and said, 'Can you imagine how horrible it must be for people in hell? It must be so awful. We must warn people.' Then, just as abruptly, he turned to the other pastors and continued to discuss his car repairs" (p. 57).

Did Bill then tell them about his own experience in hell just one week prior? No, no he didn't. But didn't Bill tell Jesus: "Yes, of course I'll go," "All I wanted to do was obey His order"? Bill obviously has trouble keeping his lies straight.

( 3) "About TWO WEEKS after my experience, my wife and I were at a gym. Bill tells of a man who came up to them and asked about God. Bill said, 'We talked with him at length, and we became friends" (p. 59-60), but once again, Bill never told him about his experience in hell.

( 4) "I had not wanted to tell anyone what happened and I did NOT for THREE WEEKS. My wife and I were at lunch with a couple with whom we are friends, and my wife felt that I should share my experience with them" (p. 58).

( 5) "For THREE MONTHS I kept it to myself, except for sharing it with my mother and one close friend" (p. 50-51).

( 6) "THREE MONTHS AFTER MY EXPERIENCE, I called a close friend of twenty-five years, Darrel Ballman, and his wife...I told them my story..." (p. 60).

( 7) A FEW WEEKS LATER ( that is a few weeks later after the 'three months' after Bill's experience) ...Darrel mentioned that he was going to have a man ( Bill) come to his house and speak of his recent journey in hell" (p. 60-61).

Over a QUARTER OF A YEAR ('three months" plus "a few weeks") had then passed but Bill has told no one of his experience except his mother and a few friends. What a two-faced, lying hypocrite this guy is!

What in the world is wrong with this man? He states over and over and over again how he had this "MOST COMPELLING DESIRE" to tell "EVERYONE," "AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE," with "AN URGENCY," beginning "THE NEXT DAY," and "EACH MORNING," and "EACH NIGHT," he just "HAD TO ALERT THEM," he "MUST FIND A WAY TO THELL THEM." And then... AND THEN, this lying weasel tells us that: "I DIDN'T WANT TO TELL ANYONE about my personal visit there or about the time I spent with the lord...FOR THREE MONTHS I KEPT IT TO MYSELF..."

And then Bill drops this giant lie on us: From Part B - Hell, WHAT IS BEYOND THE GRAVE, Judge Eden video on you tube: "I assume the minute you came to your senses you started telling everyone about this experience? (Bill) "YES I DID!" (Ray) "NO HE DIDN'T!" He lies! Seven times Bill tells us that he did NOT tell anyone except his mother and a few friends until over a quarter of a year later. What happened to his promise to "obey" God? What happened to his urgency to tell EVERYONE? Wow! And he expects us to believe his stupid, contradictory, unscriptural, and blasphemous nonsense?

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