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Basic steps of faith to deliverance and healing

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Basic steps of faith to deliverance and healing

The doorways that have been found need to be placed on his mercy seat (through repentance). One can now move to applying the basic steps of faith to deliverance and healing:

1) prayer of repentance for walking outside God's will,

2) ceasing all known association and practice of matters that bring bondage through a) deception (false teachings), b) through ignorance (lack of knowledge), c) through sin, and d) through storms of life (particularly when responded to in a wrong way),

3) being familiar with and applying biblical requirements in areas were deliverance and healing is sought (most biblical requirements in different areas are covered in this book), and

4) a simple prayer to ask God for continued guidance, equipping and grace in opening one's eyes to true biblical living.

Repentance on matters that came through storms of life is necessary when our response to them was in a sinful way. For example if one had an abusive upbringing and remains bitter about it, the bitterness and anger constitutes unforgiveness. Unforgiveness is a sin. Repentance for being bitter, angry or vengeful begins the healing process.

Prayer and fasting may be necessary on certain matters. We are dealing with spiritual strongholds that have consolidated their make-up in our lives. These are mindsets, emotions and defense mechanisms that have evolved throughout years of our upbringing and through various experiences. They become our identity and demonic influence has reinforced their hold on us. At such a level we become brainwashed whereby we either easily follow the deception or easily stumble to certain sins.

Prayer and fasting is one of, if not, the greatest key to deliverance and healing. Please see chapter 4 - on prayer and fasting as a major weapon to deliverance and healing.

Prayer and fasting enables the Holy Spirit to effectively work in the innermost parts of us. He is able to overcome certain mindsets, emotions and defense mechanisms that we find difficult to give up or unwilling to let go. He transforms our minds to value his ways than our ways.

The transformation of our minds directly affects the other areas in our spirits - emotion and will areas. However he also works on these areas individually until we each have “a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline,” 2 Timothy 1:7.

Power is an aspect of the Holy Spirit's ability to act, love is an emotional aspect of his nature and self-discipline is the will aspect of his nature. He throws away our nature which has no power to act over spiritual influences, he removes the dirt in our emotions while putting love in them and he removes our un-disciplined will which fluctuates according to circumstances and other external influences.

Above all the Holy Spirit enables us to grow in having “the mind of Christ,” (1 Corinthians 2:16) so that we can effectively be under his influence, guidance and nature.

Once a human spirit begins to take on his nature the healing is in progress. Being under his nature is a lifelong work because the sinful nature in us always tries to return to its former throne. Demonic influence works through the sinful nature. That is how Adam and Eve fell. And that is why the bible cautions us to flee influences and situations that feed on the sinful nature.

People will notice the difference by the time the Holy Spirit reaches an advanced stage in working inside us. We will be producing not fruits from our negative past but the fruit of the Holy Spirit. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit,” Galatians 5:22-25.

One who is bearing such fruit in abundance has a healthy spirit. He/she may not be perfect in every way or may not have all she desires yet she is an overcomer in the spirit realm. Demonic influence bounces off for as long as the Holy Spirit works in her life.

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