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(Created page with "==Deception through other people: a) == <p><strong>In the World (The Fallen World) </strong></p> <p>Not only do we have to confront deception from ourselves through the fallen...")
(Deception through other people: a))
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<p>The most important matters are those that concern their spiritual lives. Yes there are matters bringing people down in their material lives and physical health as well. However it is their spiritual lives that ought to be our biggest concern. Through evangelism of the gospel we make known God's truths about their spiritual lives and their eternal destiny. </p>
<p>The most important matters are those that concern their spiritual lives. Yes there are matters bringing people down in their material lives and physical health as well. However it is their spiritual lives that ought to be our biggest concern. Through evangelism of the gospel we make known God's truths about their spiritual lives and their eternal destiny. </p>
<p>This is why many of us in the body of Christ cannot be politicians. Politics has to do with temporal things of “bread and butter.” As noble as it sounds to have a godly and born again person in top political office it's not God's major priority. Otherwise God could have brought down many of the big business-serving and greedy politicians in this world. He would have easily exalted many of the godly and born again people willing to serve in the political field.</p>
<p>This is why many of us in the body of Christ cannot be politicians. Politics has to do with temporal things of “bread and butter.” As noble as it sounds to have a godly and born again person in top political office it's not God's major priority. Otherwise God could have brought down many of the big business-serving and greedy politicians in this world. He would have easily exalted many of the godly and born again people willing to serve in the political field.</p>
<p><strong> Next Part [[Three sources of deception</strong>]] </p>
<p>Next Part [[Three sources of deception:]] </p>
Back To [[Breaking Spiritual Strongholds]]</p>
Back To [[Breaking Spiritual Strongholds]]</p>

Latest revision as of 22:32, 21 November 2018

Deception through other people: a)

In the World (The Fallen World)

Not only do we have to confront deception from ourselves through the fallen nature and deception from deceiving spirits, we also have to confront deception from our fellow humanity.

Deception from other people can be influenced by their own fallen nature or they could be influenced by deceiving spirits. It is largely not our business trying to find what's influencing them to attempt to deceive others. For the most part we'd only be guessing on whether the deception was influenced by the person's own fallen nature or by deceiving spirits.

It also matters less on knowing what influenced a person to deceive than knowing the effect or impact of the deception on other people. Knowing the effect of any deception on other people is important because it helps us to work on assembling the truth against the deception.

Telling people that they're being deceived by their fallen nature or by deceiving spirits may only work to irritate them. They'll be annoyed with your self-righteous overtures and why you're trying to be their judge.

The story changes when you share the truth on matters that they are being deceived on. In most cases, people who intentionally seek to deceive others take advantage of their ignorance. When the truth is shared on what others are ignorant from it safeguards them from being deceived.

Once they know the truth in an area of potential deception the only way they can fall for the lies is by willfully embracing them. Those who end up falling in this category basically end up being partners with the deceivers.

The bible says, “Evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived,” 2 Timothy 3:13. Evil people are those with wrong motives in life, always willing to gain even through taking advantage of others. Impostors are people who pretend to be something that they really are not.

The easiest area to give examples of impostors is in politics. They're willing to express what their target segment of voters want. Sometimes they are even willing to put some action to what they claim to believe in. In actual fact what they believe in is acquisition of power above being of service to the electorate. Their thirst for wielding power and influence is later found out once elected into office. Their fruits or behavior reveals them. They shift to the usual politics: representing the interests of the wealthy and powerful groups with little to no constructive regard for the masses.

How many politicians have you come across that after being elected have not fallen into the status quo? They find themselves getting into politics as usual. Even some that may have breakthrough ideas and desires they find out that the system is bigger than them. They find themselves bowing to the wishes of those who rule by secrecy and actually have power and influence in the system. Many find themselves representing Mystery Babylon. The nature of this Mystery Babylon is covered in my other book titled: Breaking Occult Spells: Protection from Witchcraft and Occult Influences .

This scenario is not only a feature of developing nations. In developed nations the political system has graduated to using the most sophisticated methods of maintaining the status quo. If one wants to master the crafts of deception they'd be in a good position learning the principles from some developed nations. (Won't pick any names. Do your own research on this one).

The methods used are so sophisticated that it takes an investigative mind to uncover them. Notice I didn't say it takes a university or college mind to uncover them. Andy Rooney says, “You meet a lot of dumb people who went to college,” (Andy Rooney, Common Nonsense: Addressed to the Reading Public ,” p.137). I too have a number of university degrees so no Christian in the academia ought to take any offense for this statement.

The main status quo that even well intentioned and noble politicians find themselves bowing to is that of guarding the interests of the rich and powerful. The rich and powerful in this context are not the Hollywood actors, musicians, or other wealthy and famous people in the entertainment world. These are just blinders to divert people's attention from those who really have worldly wealth, power and influence. They're not public figures –for the most part. They rule in secrecy, a real biblical testament of the end-times.

The tools used to endeavor to deceive masses include the most obvious and some least obvious. Someone around 2003 described them as “weapons of mass deception.” All along many have called them propaganda machines. Although the public deception tools can be listed, the methods of using them are not clear-cut. They are for the most part sophisticated and highly secretive.

The most obvious propaganda machine is the media. In most countries, developed and developing nations, the media is primarily owned by a few players. In developing nations the primary or dominant owners are the government, owning the greatest share of the media pie. In most developed nations the primary owners are a handful of corporations (large private companies). These few media corporations have unholy alliances with other giant private corporations, such as in banking, technology, pharmaceutical industry, food industry, oil industry, and so on.

Thus in both scenarios, of developed and developing nations, media ownership is controlled by a few key players. Worldwide, this trend has been growing and not diminishing, in the last 50 years. It is another biblical testament of the end-times.

Media ownership is very important real estate. The real estate that the media controls is the minds of people. Gone are the days of using physical force to influence and control people. The “civilized” way now is to use information that gets to them.

This smarter way dawned after those that have motives of power, control and influence began to learn from the noble fields of psychology, sociology and related fields of study. They learnt the principles from these fields and began to use them for deceitful reasons. They keep improving their skills as time, increasing technological advancements, and experience helps them.

The other tools that are part of the propaganda machine include the least obvious. These include books, educational system, internet, and the principles of divide and rule. The internet however, is also working against them. A great deal of suppressed information is abundantly available online. For now they are largely focusing on other avenues for propaganda.

For example, on the educational system countries have entire government ministries of education, culture and other branches. For the most part the ministries have a lot of positive contributions. On the negative side some of what they decide as the standard of instruction ends up being distorted to suite whatever goals they have. Anything that one distorts ends up losing its truthful validity, objectivity, and true meaning.

Here is an example from countries I can easily relate with. When Zambia and Zimbabwe got their independence they embarked on indigenization programs to transform the countries from colonial rule to independent countries. Part of the indigenization programs included transforming the educational system. Previously what was taught as history was distorted and biased to suit the biases of the colonial governments. This was quickly changed, now biased to suit the biases of the independent nations.

The change may have been valid to remove the previous biases. The problem concerns creating another bias. Zambia and Zimbabwe are merely examples to show that deception is all around us. No country can claim any innocence –including the Vatican (the world's smallest independent nation and headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church).

Napoleon Bonaparte, a 19 th century legendary French ruler said, “What is history but a fable agreed upon?” (1769-1821). He said this in the 19 th century. How much more does this apply in our 21 st century where information (about the past and the present) is major real estate for power and influence? A lot.

“The falsification of history has done more to impede human development than any one thing known to mankind,” by Rousseau 1712-1778.

 “After you've heard two eyewitness accounts of an auto accident, you begin to worry about history,” by an unknown author.

As Christians we're expected to rise above human biases that only serve to continue dividing us, whether by race, nationality, gender, and so on. More importantly we're expected to rise above the deception that is sweeping masses through the media through some parts of news, some entertainment, and so on.

Just one look at the entertainment world shows Christianity is far from the life they are promoting. The entertainment world has largely grown to be a tool to serve three main purposes. Christianity is not one of them:

  • To promote consumerism and materialism to make people to keep spending on bling, bling (material goods) produced by the big business world (corporations),
  • To influence people into adopting certain beliefs and behaviors (such as accepting sex outside marriage, unfaithfulness, homosexuality, magnifying and playing on our insignificant human differences for divide and rule purposes, and so on),
  • To serve as a tool of distraction, diversion, or interference from focusing on matters that are really important to the masses: empowerment, equal opportunity, dealing with poverty, health-care, crime, discrimination (gender based, age, racial, ethnic, economical, etc), and so on.

Here are some quotations that relate to deception and our need to be vigilant:

  • “A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps,” Proverbs 14:15.
  • “Politicians are masters of the art of deception,” by Martin L. Gross.
  • “In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant,” by Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) French politician.
  • “Nothing is so admirable in politics as a short memory (of the masses),” by John K. Galbraith (1908-2006) Canadian born economist.
  • “Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can't stop them from doing,” by Joseph Heller (1923-1999) author, USA.
  • “Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal,” (i.e. anything considered legal doesn't necessarily make it right) by Martin Luther King Jr., Church minister and civil rights leader, USA
  • “It's useless to hold a person to anything he says while he's (madly) in love, drunk or running for office,” by Shirley MacLaine (1934-) actress, USA.
  • “There are two kinds of statistics, the kind you look up, and the kind you make up,” by Rex Stout (1886-1975) writer, USA.
  • “What is the difference between unethical and ethical advertising? Unethical advertising uses falsehoods to deceive the public; ethical advertising uses truth to deceive the public,” by Vilhjalmur Stefansson.
  • “Racism keeps people who are being managed from finding out the truth through contact with each other,” by Shirley Chisholm (b. 1924), African American politician, USA.

I have used politics and the big business world as examples to illustrate what deception from other people is. It is not intended to cause fear in you. It has been shared to make you aware of behind-the-scenes matters going on this world. If taken for granted these matters have the potential to wreck havoc on our Christian lives.

Expect the matters to happen in this fallen world for three major reasons:

  • They were prophesied to come to pass,
  • They are natural or instinctive acts of the fallen nature that people without the new nature given by the Holy Spirit are vulnerable to, and,
  • Satan and his fallen angels endeavor to exploit or to take advantage of the fallen nature in people.

Notice I said expect them to happen in this fallen world, not accept them to happen in this fallen world. As you know better, expect and accept are two different words meaning two entirely different things.

As Christians we're not to accept the matters to happen in this fallen world. This is in spite of expecting them to happen due to the three reasons outlined above. We're to refuse them from influencing us and from influencing others. It's not enough to feel safe that we've been rescued from them –at least spiritually. We've a mandate to rescue others from matters that work to destroy them in the long-run.

The most important matters are those that concern their spiritual lives. Yes there are matters bringing people down in their material lives and physical health as well. However it is their spiritual lives that ought to be our biggest concern. Through evangelism of the gospel we make known God's truths about their spiritual lives and their eternal destiny.

This is why many of us in the body of Christ cannot be politicians. Politics has to do with temporal things of “bread and butter.” As noble as it sounds to have a godly and born again person in top political office it's not God's major priority. Otherwise God could have brought down many of the big business-serving and greedy politicians in this world. He would have easily exalted many of the godly and born again people willing to serve in the political field.

Next Part Three sources of deception:

Back To Breaking Spiritual Strongholds</p>