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Does the Bible teach that God is a “Trinity”—three persons in one being? Most professing Christians answer “yes.” Although long the litmus test of traditional Christianity, the triune god is deemed a mystery unable to be understood. Other questions arise: How does the sacrifice of Christ fit with the “three-in-one” god? How did Jesus “extricate” Himself from the Father and the Holy Spirit to die as Saviour? And then there is this: If God is not a trinity, what is He? What have scholars, theologians and Bible students missed? Millions assume the trinity doctrine to be true and that Scripture proves it. Yet, God’s Word reveals something very different—and much greater—about the nature of the true God. Here, made plain, are the facts of history—and what the Bible really teaches about what and whom is its author!
'''Does the Bible teach that God is a “Trinity”—three persons in one being? Most professing Christians answer “yes.” Although long the litmus test of traditional Christianity, the triune god is deemed a mystery unable to be understood. Other questions arise: How does the sacrifice of Christ fit with the “three-in-one” god? How did Jesus “extricate” Himself from the Father and the Holy Spirit to die as Saviour? And then there is this: If God is not a trinity, what is He? What have scholars, theologians and Bible students missed? Millions assume the trinity doctrine to be true and that Scripture proves it. Yet, God’s Word reveals something very different—and much greater—about the nature of the true God. Here, made plain, are the facts of history—and what the Bible really teaches about what and whom is its author!'''

Revision as of 20:12, 23 November 2011

Back to By David C. Pack

Is God Three-In-One?



Does the Bible teach that God is a “Trinity”—three persons in one being? Most professing Christians answer “yes.” Although long the litmus test of traditional Christianity, the triune god is deemed a mystery unable to be understood. Other questions arise: How does the sacrifice of Christ fit with the “three-in-one” god? How did Jesus “extricate” Himself from the Father and the Holy Spirit to die as Saviour? And then there is this: If God is not a trinity, what is He? What have scholars, theologians and Bible students missed? Millions assume the trinity doctrine to be true and that Scripture proves it. Yet, God’s Word reveals something very different—and much greater—about the nature of the true God. Here, made plain, are the facts of history—and what the Bible really teaches about what and whom is its author!


Chapter One – Founded on False Knowledge
Chapter Two – No Other Gods before Me
Chapter Three – Ancient Roots of the Trinity
Chapter Four – Addressing the Confusion
Chapter Five – What the Bible Teaches
Chapter Six – Is God One?
Chapter Seven – Defining the Holy Spirit
Chapter Eight – Another Jesus
Chapter Nine – Who and What Is God?
Chapter Ten – The God Family
Chapter Eleven – Colossal Decision—Which God?


The subject of God is mysterious, confusing to almost all. Yet, the single most important knowledge in the universe would be that of the true God. What could be more important than which god one worships? Millions, indeed billions, have asked who and what is God? This all-important question has confounded man for millennia.

He has still not found the answer! With the explosion of new and different brands of Christianity, this confusion about God has only grown worse in the modern age. And the so-called “great religions” of the world have only added to this confusion. Yet, correctly identifying the true God is the central issue and question towering over everything that is important in life. The answer to this question lies at the very core of all that is true religion. And, for those who believe the God of Creation authored the Bible—Christians!—the question comes into sharper focus. Who and What is the God of the Bible?

Millions of professing Christians believe in, speak of and weekly sing about God as a “trinity”—“Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Acceptance of this god has become perhaps the greatest litmus test of orthodox or traditional Christianity. But is the Bible’s God a trinity—three persons in one being? Can this be proven? Or is God a Family—and can this be proven? If the “trinity god” is false—if it is not the God of the Bible—it must be rejected. In its place must come an understanding of the true God.

Which Is Better?

Consider this question. Which would be better: having correct understanding of every single doctrine in the Bible, but having neither true knowledge of nor contact with the God who inspired it?—or, having absolutely no knowledge of a single Bible truth on any subject except the nature and identity of the true God, and contact with Him?

Let’s consider this further. The Bible is filled with hundreds of distinct, separate doctrinal truths: the gospel, salvation, baptism, identity and location of the true Church, the name of that Church, whether one should keep holy Saturday or Sunday, whether one should observe the annual festivals of Leviticus 23:1-44 or various humanly-devised holidays, financial laws, the purpose of marriage, principles of proper childrearing, punishment in the afterlife, the nature of repentance and conversion, the unpardonable sin, dietary laws and health, healing, scores of prophetic truths, the law of God, the role of Christ, and many, many more. I ask again: Would it be more important to understand all of these Bible truths while at the same time lacking the knowledge of who is the true God—or to know nothing of them, but to have direct contact with the God who recorded them?

Think! If one knew and was worshipping the true God, he would automatically be led into all the right knowledge offered by that God, revealed only to those who have a relationship with Him. This would no doubt happen relatively quickly after entering into such contact. The true God would not leave such a one in ignorance about exactly how He was to be worshipped—in other words, knowledge of all the many truths contained in His Word. The knowledge of the true Plan of God, the location of the true Church and Work of God—and every other divinely-revealed point of understanding—flows from being in direct contact with the right God. On the other hand, possessing all of the knowledge about every Bible doctrine would be utterly useless if one was worshipping the WRONG GOD! Mere knowledge of true doctrine would not necessarily, and certainly not automatically, lead such a person to the God who authored it, and thus his religion would be in vain.

God has to reveal Himself to any who come to know Him! He must distinguish Himself from all other supposed gods or deities. Set aside all personal bias and see if He is revealing Himself to you.