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(Created page with "====ROMANS==== 'CP' means 'Compare Passage' <table width="850" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <td width="850" bgcolor="">'</td> <tr> <td>'''1:1-4 What does it mean that J...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 18:08, 10 January 2019


'CP' means 'Compare Passage'

1:1-4 What does it mean that Jesus was declared to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead?
1:4 What does the Spirit of holiness refer to here?
1:7 (A) How are saints defined?
(B) Who founded the church in Rome?
1:13 What was the fruit Paul referred to here?
1:16-17 What do we learn from what Paul says here?
1:18 How is the wrath of God revealed from heaven here?'
1:19-21 Is this teaching that all human beings have a basic knowledge of God?
1:24-28 Are Paul's pronouncements here on homosexuality still morally valid?
1:29-31 How are these sins defined?
2:1-4 How are we to understand this passage of scripture?
2:5 What is the "Day of Wrath" Paul refers to here?
2:6 Does this not teach that salvation is not by faith only but by works also?
2:11-13 What do we learn from what Paul says here?
2:17-24 How are we to understand what Paul is saying here?
3:3-4 What does Paul mean by what he says here?
3:5 What does Paul mean here by saying, "I speak as a man?"
3:9 What does it mean that "all are under sin?
3:19-23 What do we learn from what Paul says here?
3:24-26 (A) What great foundational truth of the Christian faith is Paul expounding here? .'
(B) Whose sins are referred to in V25 as the sins that are past?
3:27 Whose boasting is Paul referring to here?
4:1-5 Was Abraham who lived hundreds of years before the law also saved by Jesus' death?
4:3 What was it that was counted unto Abraham for righteousness?
4:9-10 If justification is by faith alone why did God command Abraham to be circumcised?
4:13 What does it mean that Abraham should be the heir of the world?
4:18-22 Did Abraham's faith ever waver?
4:23-25 What do we learn from what Paul says here?
5:1 What is meant by "we have peace with God"?
5:3-5 What do we learn from what Paul says here? '
5:9-10 What wrath did Christ save us from?
5:12-14 How was sin and death transmitted to the human race by Adam?
5:15 What exactly does Paul mean by what he says here?
6:1 What is the point of Paul's question here?
6:3-5 What baptism is Paul referring to here?
6:6-11 What does Paul mean by what he says here?
6:12-14 What do we learn from what Paul says here?
6:15 What is the purpose of this question. Is it not simply a repeat of V1?
6:16 What profound teaching is underlined by what Paul says here?
6:17-20 What do we learn from what Paul says here?
6:21-23 What does this passage summarise?
7:4 Is this a proof text that the church is the bride of Christ as some claim?'
7:7-23 Does what Paul describes here portray the normal Christian life as so many in the church believe?
8:1-2 What exactly does Paul mean by what he says here?
8:3-4 Does V3 teach that Jesus had a human sinful nature?
8:11 What does the phrase "quicken your mortal bodies" (KJV) mean here?
8:12-16 How are we to understand what Paul says here? '
8:17 What is the suffering with Christ that Paul refers to here?
8:19-21 What is Paul teaching here?
8:26-27 What do we learn from what Paul says here?
8:28-30 What exactly does this passage teach?
8:33 Who is the "elect" referred to here and how many "elects" of God are there in scripture?
8:35 Whose love is Paul referring to here - our love for Christ or His love for us? '
9:1-3 What do we learn from this passage of scripture?
9:5 What profound biblical truth is Paul affirming here?
9:7 How is the phrase, "But in Isaac shall thy seed be called", to be understood? .'
9:10-13 Does this not prove that God arbitrarily chooses whom He will save and whom He will not?
9:14-18 What exactly is the meaning of all that Paul says here?
9:19-21 What do we learn from what Paul says here?
9:22-24 Who do the vessels of wrath and the vessels of mercy refer to here?
9:25-29 What is the meaning of what Paul says here?
9:30-33 What do we learn from Paul's summing up here of Israel's rejection by God?
10:4 What does it mean that Christ is the end of the law?
10:6-11 How are we to understand what Paul is saying here?
10:9 Why is the resurrection of Christ so important to Christians?'
10:12-13 What do we learn from what Paul says here?
10:14-17 Does this mean that everyone has to hear the gospel to be saved?
10:18-21 Had the gospel already gone out into all the earth at the time Paul wrote this?
11:1-10 Will God restore Israel as a nation or will a remnant only be incorporated into the New Testament church?
11:2 What does the word "foreknew" mean here?
11:4 Is the figure seven thousand here literal or symbolic?
11:7-10 How are we to understand what Paul says here?
11:13 Are Apostles still in the church today?
11:16 Who does "the firstfruit" refer to here?
11:17-24 How are we to understand what Paul says here?
11:29 Does this mean that the gifts and calling of God are without repentance for all Christians?
11:32 What does it mean that God has concluded them all in unbelief that He might have mercy upon all?
11:33-36 What do we learn from what Paul says here?
12:1 What does Paul mean that we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice unto God? .'
12:2 What is God's will?
12:3 What exactly is Paul telling us here?
12:5 What does Paul mean that "We being many are one body in Christ"?
12:18 How is this statement to be understood?
12:20 What does "for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head", mean?
13:1-2 Is this teaching that Christians have to obey every law of the state without question?
13:8 Does this prohibit Christians buying anything on credit or borrowing money?
13:11-14 How are we to understand what Paul says here?
14:1-9 What do we learn from what Paul says here?
14:10-12 What is the Judgement Seat of Christ?
14:22-23 What is the actual meaning of what Paul says here?'
15:1-3 What are the "infirmities of the weak" referred to here?
15:4 What are the things that were written before for our learning?
15:5 Does this mean that Christians must be in complete agreement on all points of doctrine?
15:15 (A) Where was Paul when he wrote this epistle?
(B) Why is the epistle to the Romans so important for Christians to understand?
15:30-32 What happened to Paul in Jerusalem?
16:1-2 Is this teaching that Phebe was a "deacon(ess)" in the church at Cenchrea, as a great many Christians believe?
16:25-26 What was the mystery kept secret since the world began but is now made manifest?