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Your Redemption Draws Near! 3

The definition of redemption.

To "redeem" something is to restore to the original or rightful owner what has been taken from him by purchase, or trickery, or violence. By definition, redemption involves only what was in one’s possession originally.

Redemption could never refer to our going to Heaven to live in a mansion because we never have lived in Heaven in a mansion.

What then did mankind forfeit? What did the Jews forfeit?

In the beginning human beings were placed in a garden on the earth that surpassed the most glorious environment possible for people to imagine. Have you ever thought much about the garden in Eden, in the area now known as the Middle East?

What did mankind forfeit?

By obeying Satan rather than God, Adam and Eve lost the Presence of God. Adam and Eve lost Paradise. They also lost immortality in the body. The fruit of the tree of life apparently changed the chemistry of the physical body, making the body incorruptible.

What did the Jews forfeit?

Because of their continued sin and disobedience the Jews lost the blessing of God. The Jews lost the territories won by David and governed by Solomon. The Jews lost the Temple and the priestly ceremonies that took place there. They lost Jerusalem, and finally the entire land of promise.

Mankind and the Jews forfeited all that God had given them. Satan enticed them and tricked them. Mankind and the Jews need a redeemer.

The Redeemer has come. His name is Jesus. God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ.

Your Redemption Draws Near! 4