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You shall love the Lord your God

You shall love the Lord your God

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart , and with all your soul , and with all your might ." Deuteronomy 6:5

We are laid under the highest obligations to love the Lord our God—not only on account of what He is in Himself, but also on account of all that He has done for us.
He brought us into being,
He has preserved our lives,
He has bestowed on us innumerable favors!
Above all, He has redeemed us with a price that is beyond all price, even with the precious blood of His only-begotten and well-beloved Son!

But how constantly do we fail and come short of loving the Lord with all our powers! How continually do we need His mercy on this account! And how manifest it is that we can be justified only by grace through faith!

Let all the wonders of redeeming mercy , draw forth our warmest affections to the God of our salvation. Let us aim to love Him perfectly—and let us rejoice in hope of that period when, being entirely delivered from sin, we shall, with all our heart, and soul, and might, love the Lord our God—and that forever and ever!

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