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You are not your own!',

Back to Man's religion & God's religion 9

"You are not your own! For you are bought with
a  price—therefore glorify God in your body, and in 
your spirit, which are God's." 1 Corinthians 6:19

Your eyes are not your own—that you may feed your 
lusts, that you may go about gaping, and gazing, and 
looking into every shop window to see the fashions of 
the day—learn the prevailing pride of life—and thus lay 
up food for your vain mind—either in coveting what 
must be unfitting to your profession—or applying your 
money to an improper use—or being disappointed 
because you cannot afford to buy it. 

Your ears are not your own—that you may listen to 
every foolish tale—drink in every political, worldly, or 
carnal report which may fall upon them—and thus feed 
that natural desire for news, gossip, and even slander 
—which is the very element of the carnal mind.

Your tongue is not your own—that you may speak 
what you please, and blurt out whatever passes in 
the chambers of your heart, without check or fear.

Your hands are not your own—that you may use them
as implements of evil—or employ them in any other way 
than to earn with them an honest livelihood. Our hands 
were not given us for sin—but for godly uses.

Your feet are not your own—that you may walk in 
the ways of the world—or that they should carry you 
to haunts where all around you are engaged upon 
errands of vanity and sin.

All must be held according to the disposal of God, 
and under a sense of our obligations to Him.

But perhaps you will say, in the rebellion of your carnal 
mind, "What restraint all this lays upon us. Cannot we 
look with our eyes as we like—hear with our ears as we 
please—and speak with our tongues as we choose? Will 
you so narrow our path that we are to have nothing of 
our own—not even our time or money, our body or soul? 
Surely we may have a little enjoyment now and then—a 
little recreation, a little holiday sometimes, a little 
relaxation from being always so strict and so religious—
a little feeding of our carnal mind which cannot bear all 
this restraint?"

Well, but what will you bring upon yourself by . . .
the roving eye,
the foolish tongue,
the loose hand,
the straying foot?


"But," you say, "we are not to be tied up so 
tightly as all this! We have gospel liberty, 
but you will not allow us even that!" 

Yes, blessed be God, there is gospel liberty, for 
there is no real happiness in religion without it; 
but not liberty to sin—not liberty to gratify the 
lusts of the flesh—not liberty to act contrary to 
the gospel we profess, and the precepts of God's 
Word—for this is not liberty but licentiousness.

"You are not your own! For you are bought with
a price—therefore glorify God in your body, and in 
your spirit, which are God's." 1 Corinthians 6:19

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