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Ye Shall Receive Power 32

Ye Shall Receive Power, #32

And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them. (Revelation 11:11)

The resurrection of the saints, of the prophets of all ages, will be the supreme witness to the world of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Mankind will behold the fullness of the Glory of God in Christ who then will be being revealed in His Body. This witness will cause some people to repent and be saved; others to curse God and to prepare to resist the coming of Christ from Heaven with His army.

Christ commands: "Come up here!"

In unhurried majesty and splendor the army of saints will leave the surface of the earth and ascend to meet the Commander in Chief in the air.

Michael issues orders to his army of warrior angels—enormous creatures of unsurpassed power and swiftness.

A great earthquake warns the peoples of the earth that the Day of Wrath is at hand. Some give glory to God; others are slain.

The seventh angel sounds announcing the advent of the long-awaited Kingdom of God. Soon the Lord's army will invade and occupy the whole earth and the thousand-year Kingdom Age will commence.

Let each of us be faithful in this, our hour of preparation and ministry. Let us present our bodies to God a living sacrifice, and pray for the rains of witnessing power in the time of the latter (harvest) rain. The time is now and the opportunities for service will be opened to us if we are seeking the Lord.

The Body of Christ is being prepared for the earth-wide testimony. The second Lampstand is being hammered into shape. As soon as the Lampstand, the Body of Christ, has met the Lord's standard (the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ), the double portion of unlimited and continual witnessing power and glory will be poured on the members of the Body of Christ.

The Temple of God will be completed, not by the wisdom and energy of the flesh but by the Spirit of the Lord.

When the worldwide testimony has been accomplished to God's satisfaction we shall be forced into hiding for a season. Some of the saints will be slain and go to be with Jesus. The hindrance to Antichrist will be removed from his path.

Antichrist will have his way in the earth for a limited period.

Then the Lord Jesus will return from Heaven, and all of God's conquering saints, His prophets, His witnesses, will be filled with the Spirit of life from God. These are God's kings and priests of the ages to come, the judges of men and angels.

This is the first resurrection from the dead (Revelation 20:4-6).

It is God's witnesses, His prophets among men, who will participate in the first resurrection from the dead. They are "David's Tabernacle," the "mighty men" of Christ who have gone outside the camp with Him, bearing His reproach.

The remainder of the dead will not be resurrected until the thousand-year period has been concluded.

"Whoever will" may choose to be a witness of the Lord and participate in the first resurrection from among the dead. But in order to do so he must turn aside from every other interest and seek Christ with all his strength.

Participation in the first resurrection results from drawing on the grace of Christ until we overcome the world, Satan, the lusts of our flesh, and our self-will and self-love.

If we would gain the crown we must run the race with total diligence.

How about you? Are you marching forward in Christ?

If you will keep on giving yourself to the Lord Jesus He will make you one of His eternal witnesses.

Your task is to give yourself to Him diligently and faithfully.

You can run and you can win through the grace of Christ. (from Ye Shall Receive Power)

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