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We would not be such muck-worms!',

Back to Man's religion & God's religion 9

"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be 
—in order that you may know the hope 
to which He has called you—what a rich and glorious
inheritance He has given to His people." Ephes. 1:18

If the Spirit would but enlighten the eyes of our heart,
how this would lift us up out of the mud and mire of this
wretched world! We would not be such muck-worms
raking and scraping a few straws together—or running 
about like ants with our morsel of grain!
 We would have 
our affections fixed more on things above. We would . . .
know more of Christ,
enjoy more of Christ,
be more like Christ,
walk more like Christ walked, and
look forward to our glorious inheritance. 

If these things were brought into our hearts with divine 
power—how they would sweeten every bitter cup, and 
carry us through every changing scene, until at last we 
were landed above—to see the Lord as He is, in the full 
perfection of His infinite glory!