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"Since the word Trinity is used to represent God as a triune being, what is triune? Noah Webster defined the word triune to mean, ‘three in one.’ This means that God, a singular being, exists in a PLURAL manner... The Hebrew name for God used in all known manuscripts is ELOHIM... The word ELOHIM means three in one." (Capitals are author’s).

Did I miss something? Noah Webster defines the word "triune" to mean "three in one," and therefore we have PROOF THAT GOD IS A TRINITY? What kind of scholarship is that?

The Hebrew word Elohim {eloheem} is the plural form of Elowahh {eloah} which answers to "The Deity." The Greek word generally used in the New Testament for God which answers to the Hebrew word Elohim is Theos which means PLACER (God), literally Disposer or Arbiter.

If anyone wants to look up the word Elohim in the hundreds of dictionaries and lexicons, and find just one that defines Elohim as the above theologian does, as "three in one," I WILL GIVE THAT PERSON HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS!

That my friends is just the first few sentences of Dr. DeVries paper on the Trinity. And, "NO," I didn’t read his whole paper, just the first page.

I will, however, give you the first caption after his brilliant introduction: "The Trinity Illustrated in Nature"

If we can’t find the trinity in the Scriptures, perchance we can fine it in "nature."

Seriously, I hope my readers can see through such inane scholarship. Only religious people, theologians, and self-professed ministers of God can get away such total nonsense. No author could EVER get away with such childish and unscholarly presentations if he were writing on serious subjects such as medicine, aviation or physics. His contemporaries would laugh him to scorn. Well, now that I think about it, there might be two exceptions to that - those who write books on evolution, and those who write fiction. The above article on the Trinity is assuredly a religious work of fiction!

I could now go through all the Scriptures that support the doctrine of the trinity, however, there is a problem - THERE ARE NO SUCH SCRIPTURES!

So let’s do something else. Let’s look at a few Scriptures that Trinitarians claim add credence to their theory. I will take no more than a few pages to try and clarify the Scriptural teaching on who, what, and how many Gods there really are.

First of all we must dispense with I John 5:7 which reads in the King James Version

"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."

There is a problem with this verse. The words that I typed in bold print are not Scripture. They should NOT be in the Bible. There are many Bibles that do not contain these words. Here are a few:

The Concordant Literal New Testament: "...seeing that three there are that are testifying, the spirit, and the water, and the blood, and the three are for the one thing."

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures: "For there are three witness bearers, the spirit and the water and the blood, and the three are in agreement."

A New Translation by James Moffatt: "The witnesses are three, the Spirit and the water and the blood, and the three of them are in accord."

The Emphatic Diaglott: "For there are three which testify; the Spirit, and the water, and the blood; and the three are of one."

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