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Two Armies

When Joshua was near Jericho he saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword.

Joshua approached this warrior and asked him whose side he was on.

The warrior responded that he was not on the side of the Canaanites or the Israelites but was the commander of the army of the Lord.

It is good for us to remember when we go forth to conquer the world for Christ that God is not necessarily fighting for us. God helps only when we are following Him, because the battle is not our but the Lord's.

Joshua asked the commander if he had a message for him.

The commander replied that Joshua was standing on holy ground. This was the message—holiness unto the Lord.

When we are
following the Ark of the Covenant, when we are doing the Lord's will, when we leave our adamic nature in the Jordan, become circumcised, and eat and drink of the Lamb of God, we are on holy ground. We will never be successful in spiritual battle and overcome the Lord's enemies until we are standing on holy ground.

God will not work where there is unrighteousness or spiritual uncleanness.

Victory in the Kingdom requires that two armies engage in the warfare. The army of saints are God's judges. They listen to the Lord Jesus so their judgment is righteous and according to the Lord's will. The army of angels does the actual fighting.

How often Christian people in their zeal are drawn into fighting against social immorality and injustice. Although God may use some believers in politics or some other effort of the flesh, our enemy is in the spirit realm and must be fought with iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to God. We must pray, and that prayer must come from a personality acceptable to God. Otherwise the army of angels will not assist us.

The army of angels does not fight for us or for our enemies. They do the will of God. It is only as we are moving in the will of God that both armies are involved.

I think God is waiting today to see how many will cease from their own religious works and wait until they hear His voice, even though the waiting extends over a number of years.

The Christian churches have accomplished many worthy works throughout the centuries. Now we are approaching the climax, the total destruction of rebellion and sin. This war cannot be won other than by the army of holy angels working alongside the army of holy Christians.

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