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Toiling in Rowing

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(A New Year's Message)

"He saw that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves!" Mark 6:48

Beloved friends,
It may be that, for some of you, the New Year opens in sadness and silence, without the merry crash of bells, and the welcoming cheers which celebrate its advent, and signify its joy to so many other hearts. Your trials are heavy — and your comforts are few. Earthly sorrows weigh you down, and hinder the glad mounting of your spirit to heavenly places in Christ Jesus. The prospect of incessant toil and weariness oppresses you, or the retrospect of sorrow and suffering has benumbed you — and you do not feel that you can heartily respond to the usual salutation of friend to friend, "I wish you a Happy New Year!" You would rather be done with earth, and wish that God gave you the wings of a dove, that you might fly away and be at rest!

I quite understand your feelings; I have fellowship with you in your fear and faintness of heart; but I bring afresh to you today, the sweet and comforting assurance that your blessed Lord . . .
knows all your sorrows,
sees all your sufferings,
is watching over you with a Divine love and care which know no cessation,
and will, in His own good time, either relieve or release you!

Nay, do you not know that sometimes, the Master brings His dear ones into sore straits, with the express object of manifesting His mighty power in their deliverance? Let me try to show you this, as in a picture, roughly outlined from the pages of God's Word.

Do you see that small boat on a wind-swept lake? Storm and darkness are fast gathering their forces together, the sea is tossing and raging in passionate response to the war-cry of the tempest, and serious danger is menacing the men in the frail vessel. They are straining every nerve and muscle to make for the opposite shore, they labor at the oars with almost superhuman strength; but they are no match against the tremendous force of wind and wave, which beats them back continually, and threatens to engulf them! Your heart fails you as you look on their perilous position, and you expect every moment that the sea will swallow up its prey!

But now turn your gaze landwards. On the brow of an adjacent hill stands a solitary, but majestic Man. He is intently watching the rowers in that trembling, storm-tossed bark. Not a danger is overlooked, not an effort is unnoticed, not a fear in their hearts — which does not fill His soul with pity, and appeal to His tenderest love. He is going to save them, and in the manner of their deliverance, He will gloriously manifest His own Divine power and goodness. He will presently tread the waves of that turbulent sea under His feet, and compel those fierce gales to quail before Him in silent homage.

You know the sweet and sacred story — but I want you to realize that it is your story, too, and that, just as truly as "He saw that they were in serious trouble," and knew every detail of their condition and jeopardy — so does He take note of . . .
your sorrows,
your difficulties,
your need of His help and presence.

Though you are tossed about on the rough waves of adverse circumstances, and every wind that blows seems contrary, though all your efforts do not bring you to the desired haven, and your strength seems fast failing — do not lose courage; remember that your Lord is very near, and that, at the right hour and moment, He will come to your relief, and deliver you out of all your distresses!

If those disciples had known that their blessed Master was watching them, and caring for them, and coming to them — do you not think they would have defied the tempest to do its worst, and sang songs of deliverance amidst the surges of the storm? They did not know or understand, for the Word says, "their hearts were hardened," and so they toiled on even to exhaustion, and failed to recognize the Lord, even when they saw Him.

But, dear friends, "You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ," and therefore it should be easy for you to trust Him, no matter how roughly the wind blows, or how fiercely the storm drives. Take this blessed comfort right into your heart — that your Lord so truly cares for you — that nothing which concerns you is unimportant to Him, or unnoticed by Him. Live as in His immediate presence! Accustom yourself to watch for the guidance of His eye, and the ready help of His hand. Believe with all your soul, in His infinite strength and everlasting love!

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