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To be continued.'The Warrior's Prayer' 6

The Warrior's Prayer, #6

The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented [confronted] me (verses four and five).

When we are young Christians the Lord shields us from the full power of wickedness. As we become more experienced in spiritual warfare He brings us into difficult places. However, His hand is always over us so we are not destroyed.

It comes as a surprise to the saint when the Lord begins to expose him to the depth of wickedness arrayed against the Lord. The spirits of sin, of death, of the grave come against the pilgrim. They terrify him. He did not realize the power and depth of evil that exists in the universe.

He is sickened and tormented by the hideous spirits that are about him. He is frightened and loses his faith and confidence. He turns to older saints but may find they do not understand what is assaulting him. He may come to believe his cause is lost, that God will allow him to be destroyed. Until we have such experiences the words of David do not hold much meaning for us.

Each of the Lord's warriors must be tried in battle. We are being prepared for the battle of Armageddon, for the confrontation between Christ and Antichrist, between God and Satan. Those who will ride with Christ in that day are called, chosen, and faithful. They are under the protection of the blood of the Lamb. Their testimony is that of the Word of God. They are faithful unto death.

The Lord allows the powers of the wicked one to test us until He is satisfied that we will not fail in the time of war when much is depending on us. Christ is creating the wall of the new Jerusalem. It is being formed in the hearts of the saints. The wall of the new Jerusalem is destined to stand forever. It must be perfect in every detail.

We have known Christ as the gentle Shepherd. Now we are coming to know Him as the Lord strong and mighty in battle. The only way in which we can come to know Christ as the Lord of Armies is to have him deliver us from the onslaughts of Hell.

It is important each saint understand no matter how powerful the powers arrayed against him may appear, no matter how dark the night may become, no matter how wildly the storm may rage, Christ will not forsake him. Christ possesses all authority and power in Heaven and on the earth. No devil is able to prevail against the Word of Jesus. He will bring the embattled saint into the light of victory and joy.

No matter how great may be the fear and dread that attack us, we are to summon what faith and trust we can and stand in Christ. Eventually the darkness will withdraw for it cannot prevail against Christ and those who are abiding in Him. Christ has overcome the world, and through faith we participate in His absolute victory.

To be continued.'The Warrior's Prayer' 7