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Three Goals of the Spiritual Area of the Inheritance

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to changed into the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. (Romans 8:29)

Three goals are set forth in the New Testament. They are change into the image of Christ, union with God through Christ, and the gaining of a body like that of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Change into the image of Christ.

Union with God through Christ.

The redemption of the mortal body

Change into the image of Christ. Those who are called to be saints have been predestined to be in the image of Christ.

It has been God's plan from the beginning that we be changed into the image of Christ. To be changed into the image of Christ is to think like Christ, to speak like Christ, to act like Christ, and to look like Christ.

When we first are saved we are in the image of Satan to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the individual. God made Adam in His own image. Human beings are in that image, being descended from Adam. But Satan has been successful in corrupting the image of God until we think like Satan, we speak the words of Satan, and we behave in the manner of which Satan approves.

In addition, our appearance often is that which Satan desires. To pass from the image of Satan to the image of Christ is a lifelong battle. We are resisted at every point along the way.

Satan exercises control (always with God's permission) over the nations of the earth. In our day we see the rise of demonic influence as murder, perversion, and witchcraft are increasing. Truly the tares are coming to maturity. The image of Satan is coming to maturity in mankind.

We notice also that the enemy is entrenched in our own personality. As we seek to behave righteously, to be holy to the Lord, we are resisted fiercely. Satan is determined he shall control us. But God has promised we shall be in the image of His Son.

Do you have a heart to fight your way into your land of promise?—into the image of Christ in your thinking, your words, and your actions? Do you desire a glorified body because you want to be able to serve the Lord in righteousness?

We see that the enemy has so infiltrated Christian thinking the believers are viewing the Gospel of the Kingdom as consisting only of forgiveness, the purpose of which is to bring us to Heaven where we shall sin no longer. But sin began in Heaven!

The truth is, the Gospel of the Kingdom includes the authority and power to overcome the enemy in our personality and environment. We can obey the Lord here and now. Many believers are ready to fight and the Holy Spirit is leading them to victory after victory over the sin in their life.

Israel stands at the brink of Jordan today.

Let us follow the Ark to total victory over the image of Satan.

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