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This is what the Lord says',

Back to Man's religion & God's religion 9

This is what the Lord says—"Cursed is the one who 
trusts in man
, who depends on flesh for his strength 
and whose heart turns away from the Lord." Jer. 17:5

The Lord here does not lay down a man's moral
or immoral character as a test of salvation.
He does not say, "Cursed is . . .
the thief,
the adulterer,
the extortioner,
the murderer,
the man that lives in open profanity."

He puts all that aside, and fixes His eye and lays
His hand upon one mark—which may exist with the
greatest morality and with the highest profession
of religion.

"I will tell you," the Lord says, "who are under My
curse—the person who trusts in man—who depends
on flesh for his strength—and in so doing, his heart
turns away from Me." 

This is what the Lord says—"Cursed is the one who
trusts in man
, who depends on flesh for his strength
and whose heart turns away from the Lord." Jer. 17:5