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This is the struggle!',

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"Oh, what a wretched man I am! Who will free me 
from this body that is dominated by sin?" Rom. 7:24

If a person were to tell me he did not love sin in his carnal 
mind, I would say with all mildness, "You do not speak the 
truth!" If your carnal mind does not love sin . . .

Why do you think of it?

Why do you secretly indulge it in your imagination?

Why do you play with it?

Why do you seek to extract a devilish sweetness out of it? 

O, what a mercy it would be, if there were not this 
dreadful love of sin in our heart! This is the struggle
—that there should be this traitor in the camp; that 
our carnal mind should be so devilish as to love that 
which made the blessed Jesus die; as to love that 
which crucified the Lord of glory, and to love it with 
a vehement love! 

"Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord!"
Romans 7:25