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They will never perish!'

Back to Man's religion & God's religion 6

"For God has reserved a priceless inheritance for 
His children. It is kept in heaven for you, pure and 
undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay! 
And God, in His mighty power, will protect you 
until you receive this salvation.
" 1 Peter 1:4-5 

The elect are preserved in Christ, BEFORE they are 
called by grace. They are kept by the power of 
God from perishing in their unregeneracy.

Have not you been almost miraculously preserved in the 
midst of dangers, and escaped when others perished by 
your side—or been raised up as it were, from the very 
brink of destruction and the very borders of the grave? 

Besides some striking escapes from what are called 
'accidents', three times in my life—once in infancy, once 
in boyhood, and once in manhood, I have been raised 
up from the borders of the grave, when almost everyone 
who surrounded my bed thought I would not survive the 
violence of the attack. 

Were not these instances of being kept by the power 
of God? I could not die until God had manifested His 
purposes of electing grace and mercy to my soul.

But the elect are also kept by the mighty power of God 
AFTER they are called by grace; for they are in the hollow 
of His hand, and are kept as the apple of His eye. 

I will not say they are kept from all sins. Yet I will 
say that they are kept from damning sins. They are 
kept especially from three things . . .
from the dominion of sin
from daring and final presumption
from lasting and damnable error

They are never drowned in the sins and evils of the 
present life so as to be swallowed up in them—for 
it is impossible that they can ever be lost!

They are therefore preserved in hours of temptation, 
for they are guarded by all the power of Omnipotence, 
shielded by the unceasing care and watchfulness of 
Him who can neither slumber nor sleep. 

Looking back through a long vista of years, can you not 
see how the hand of God has been with you—how He has 
held you up, and brought you through many a storm, and 
preserved you under powerful temptations? How gently 
He sometimes drew you on, or sometimes kept you back? 

"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish! 
No one can snatch them out of My hand!" John 10:28

Having chosen us, God  beget us with His word, 
regenerates us by a divine influence, and  makes 
us new creatures by the power and influence of 
the Holy Spirit.

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