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These "lovers" of ours'

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"I will run after my lovers and sell myself to 
them for food and drink, for clothing of wool 
and linen, and for olive oil." Hosea 2:5

Here is the opening up of what we are by nature, 
what our carnal mind is ever bent upon, what we 
do or are capable of doing, except as held back by 
the watchful providence and unceasing grace 
and goodness of the Lord. 

These "lovers" of ours are our old sins and former 
lusts which still crave for gratification. To these 
sometimes the carnal mind looks back and says, 
"Where are my lovers that gave me my food and 
drink? Where are those former delights that so 
pleased my vile passions, and so gratified my 
base desires?" 

These lovers, then, are . . .
the lust of the flesh, 
the lust of the eyes, 
and the pride of life;
all which, unless subdued by sovereign grace
still work in our depraved nature, and seek to 
regain their former sway.

But the Lord, for the most part, mercifully interposes, 
nor will He usually let His children do what they gladly 
would do; or be what they gladly would be. He says, 
"therefore I will block your path with thorn-bushes; I 
will wall you in so that your cannot find your way." 
(Hosea 2:6) 

The Lord, in His providence or in His grace, prevents 
our carnal mind from carrying out its base desires; 
hedges up our way with thorns—by which we may 
spiritually understand pricking of conscience, stings 
of remorse, pangs of penitence—which are so many 
thorny and briery hedges that fence up the way of 
transgression, and thus prevent our carnal mind from 
breaking forth into its old paths, and going after these 
former lovers to renew its ungodly alliance with them. 

A hedge of thorns being set up by the grace of God, 
our soul is unable to break through this strong fence, 
because the moment that it seeks to get through it,
or over it, every part of it presents a pricking brier or 
a sharp and strong thorn, which wounds and pierces 
our conscience. 

What infinite mercy, what surpassing grace, are hereby 
manifested! Were our conscience not made thus tender 
so as to feel the pricking brier, we can hardly tell what 
might be the fearful consequence, or into what a miserable 
abyss of sin and transgression our soul would fall. 

But these lacerating briers produce remorse of soul 
before God; for finding, as the Lord speaks, "that 
when she runs after her lovers, she won't be able 
to catch up with them. She will search for them but 
not find them," there comes a longing in her mind 
for purer pleasures and holier delights than her 
adulterous lovers could give her
. And thus a change
in her feelings is produced, a revolution in her desires. 
"Then she will say, I will go back to my Husband as 
at first, for then I was better off than now." 

The idea is of an adulterous wife contrasting 
the innocent enjoyments of her first wedded 
love—with the state of misery into which she 
had been betrayed by base seducers. 

And thus the soul spiritually contrasts its former 
enjoyment of the Lord's presence and power—with 
its present state of darkness and desertion. "Where," 
she would say, "are my former delights, my first joys, 
and the sweetness I had in days now passed, in knowing, 
serving, and worshipping the Lord? Ah! He was a kind and
loving husband to me in those days. I will return to Him 
if He will graciously permit me, for it was better with me 
when I could walk in the light of His countenance, than 
since I have been seeking for my lovers, and reaping 
nothing but guilt, death, and condemnation."

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