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The art of preaching',

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We are overrun with a shallow, superficial ministry
which is destitute of all life, savour, and power. A dry, 
dead-letter scheme of doctrine, as mathematically 
correct as the squares of a chess-board, prevails, 
where what is called "truth" is preached. And to 
move Bible texts on the squares as pawns, is called 
"the art of preaching".

How simple is truth! 

Man's misery—God's mercy.

The abounding of sin—the super-abounding of grace.

The depths of the fall—the heights of the recovery.

The old man—the new man.

The diseases of the soul—the balm of a Saviour's blood.

These lessons learned are in the furnace of inward 
experience. How different from . . .
the monkish austerity of the Ritualist,
the lip service of the Pharisee, and
the dry Calvinistic formulary!

What a dreadful lack is there of true preaching now! 
I look round and see so few men qualified to feed the 
church of God. We are overrun with parsons, but, oh 
dear! what are they? I cannot but attribute much 
of the low state of the churches to the ministers!

Ezekiel 34 is a true picture of the false shepherds.

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