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The Word to the Elect 2

The Word to the Elect, #2

But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared. (Mark 10:40) Notice, in the above quotation, how a level of opportunity is assigned by election. We say level of opportunity because it is just that—an opportunity. We are not forced to do anything; neither are we guaranteed that we will not lose our inheritance.

The opportunity for glory is there. It is up to us to grasp the prize, the goal for which we have been grasped by God the Father in Christ.

The expression "for whom it is prepared" reminds us of John 14:3: "I go to prepare a place for you."

When God planned in advance the structure of the Kingdom of God, He identified two or more persons who would be at the right hand and left hand of Christ when He returns in glory.

Who are these rarely blessed individuals? It has not yet been revealed. We do know that these positions of incomprehensible glory and authority, of closeness to the Master, have been prepared by the Father from the beginning for specific persons.

At some point in the history of mankind each of these highly placed human beings was born (or will be born—for many that are last in time will be first in the Kingdom). He or she was nursed as a baby, learned to walk and talk, attended school, experienced adolescent emotions and confusion, entered adulthood, worked at one or more occupations, lived for his or her assigned period of time, and then died and went to Paradise.

He may have been famous or obscure. She may have been a gentle teacher or perhaps a flaming Christian. He may have possessed the nobility of a Daniel or the remoteness of a John the Baptist or the cheerful dependability of the friend who lives next door.

Those who have been chosen to stand so close to the Lord Jesus began life just like the rest of us. Their destiny is to reign over the universe from a supremely exalted position of unimaginable glory and authority.

However, this glorious destiny is an opportunity they were invited (or will be invited) to grasp with dedication and diligence. Indeed, they will drink the cup of suffering to the last drop. All the sons of God are obligated to take the Kingdom of God by faith and determination.

Christ gives the Word of the Father to the elect, to each person whom the Father has given to Him. Christ will not give the understanding of the Word of God to anyone who is not of the elect.

And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. (Matthew 13:10,11)

It is the giving of the Word of the Father to the elect, to the chosen, that causes them to be separated from the world. As a result, the world hates God's elect. Every member of God's Israel was called out from the world. Israel is an elect, a chosen, a firstfruits of mankind. The world, and those of the church people who never were called of God, hate God's chosen and will murder them because of envy.

To be continued. The Word to the Elect 3