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The Witness of God

The Two Witnesses

I understand that the Evangelical world regards the two witnesses of the eleventh chapter of the Book of Revelation as being two patriarchs or prophets from the Old Testament. I think this is an incorrect interpretation. To begin with, our charge as a Christian Church is to bear witness of Christ in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. In order to accomplish this we have been given the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore it does not make sense that the Lord would go back before the new covenant, before Christ's death and resurrection, to obtain witnesses of the coming Kingdom of God Kingdom of God.

In the eleventh chapter of Revelation we find that the two witnesses are symbolized as two lamp stands and two olive trees. The reference is to the fourth chapter of the Book of Zechariah. The interpretation is that the Temple of God of God will be completed "not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God." The lamp stand of the Bible, being pure gold, always represents Deity. The other use of the figure of the lamp stand involves the seven churches of the second and third chapters of the Book of Revelation. The seven churches are shown as golden lamp stands because they are the churches of Christ, who is Deity.

In the fourth chapter of the Book of Revelation we notice not two lamp stands, but one. That Lamp stand is Jesus Christ. The two olive trees pouring olive oil directly into the seven cups of the lamp stand symbolize the double portion of God's Spirit, such as rested on Elisha. Where then did the second lamp stand come from? It is my point of view that the second lamp stand is the Body of Christ that has been formed during the Christian Era.

Primary Scriptures

Make a lamp stand of pure gold and hammer it out, base and shaft; its flowerlike cups, buds and blossoms shall be of one piece with it. (Exodus 25:31)

He asked me, "What do you see?" I answered, "I see a solid gold lamp stand with a bowl at the top and seven lights on it, with seven channels to the lights." (Zechariah 4:2)

The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lamp stands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lamp stands are the seven churches. (Revelation 1:20)

These are the two olive trees and the two lamp stands that stand before the Lord of the earth. (Revelation 11:4)

Essential Points of Emphasis

The eleventh chapter of the Book of Revelation is referring to Christ and the members of His Body who are on the earth, ministering under the power of a double portion of the Holy Spirit, bearing witness to every nation of the soon coming of the Kingdom of God Kingdom of God to the earth