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The Wall.

The Wall.

When one reads the twenty-first chapter of the Book of Revelation it can be seen that the great jasper wall is emphasized, along with the gems adorning the twelve foundations of the wall.

Why the emphasis on the wall of the city?

The reason is, the creating of the wall is a main purpose for the six thousand years of world history.

Originally God placed man in Paradise on the earth. Man was deceived by wickedness. God, because of His holy, righteous nature, was compelled to withdraw from the earth, leaving behind a curse.

God does not want this to happen again. Therefore He is creating a wall to forever keep sin from entering His Presence, and away from the Tree of Life.

If there had been a wall around the Garden of Eden, sin could not have entered. Never again will there be an unwalled Paradise.

The wall against sin is the Lord Jesus Christ. He also is the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The Lord Jesus Christ loves righteousness and hates iniquity. Christ will never permit sin to enter the Presence of God.

Now Christ is being formed in us. When Christ has come to maturity in us we will love righteousness and hate iniquity. The truest indication that Christ is growing in us is that we are becoming ever stronger in our ability to discern good and evil, and to choose the good and absolutely reject the evil.

God has the power to instantly remove all wickedness from a human being, leaving him as free from a sinful nature as was true of Adam and Eve.

Why doesn’t God do this for us when we first receive Christ as our Saviour?

The reason is, God is intent on forming Christ, the Wall against sin, in us.

If Christ were to put us back in Paradise before the wall against sin had been formed in us, you know what would happen. We would fall once again.

The reason for the six thousand years of insanity on the earth is so angels and men might witness the result of yielding to Satan, and also to create a wall in people so they may be able to govern Paradise when it has been placed once more on the earth.

There probably is an actual wall and actual gems in its foundation, around the new Jerusalem. But beyond all doubt, the wall represents the defence against sin being created in the saints, and the gems in the foundation refer to the Divine Virtues being formed in the saints by the heat and pressure of life on the earth, just as obedience was formed in Christ by the heat and pressure of life on the earth.

All sin must go, and Jesus Christ has the power to this for you. Don’t wait to die, hoping that when you go to Heaven the wall will be built in you. Walls against sin are built on the earth, not in Heaven. Sin began in Heaven around the Throne of God.

These are troubles times in which we are living, and the wall against sin is being built right now.
