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The Sabbath. 6

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. (Galatians 6:7-8-NIV)

The Apostle Paul was not addressing the unsaved people of Galatia.

Those who teach that the Christian can sow sin and reap Divine Glory are false prophets. They are false prophets! And those who are following them, trusting them, are blind following the blind.

They all (and their ranks may include the majority of Evangelical Christians in the United States of America) can expect weeping and gnashing of teeth unless we experience nationwide repentance in the near future.

We see therefore that the consequences of adultery under the new covenant are exceedingly more grave than was true of the punishment given under the Law of Moses.

Young man, young woman of the future, do not go back under any part of the Law. It is always helpful to study the Old Testament and learn what we can.

But to go back and attempt to add circumcision, or the Sabbath, to Jesus Christ is like trying to add propellers to a supersonic jet. They would only get in the way.

Fasten your eyes on Jesus Christ.

Let Him be the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Every aspect of the Law of Moses without exception is only a shadow of the reality in Christ, and was added to keep sin under control until the Seed should come who bears in Himself all the promises of God, including the giving of the Holy Spirit to people.

The Law of Moses was of God in its day. If a law could have been given that would bring forth righteous behavior from the adamic nature, the Law of Moses would have been it.

But that Law was temporary.

The new covenant, in which we die with Christ on the cross and then are raised with Him by the power of God that we should walk in newness of life, can and does make new righteous creations of us.

Not by a system of laws and requirements but by death and resurrection.

The Christian who leaves Moses and then does not lead a crucified-resurrected life in Jesus Christ, has fallen into the gap of lawlessness.

He is without law, a spiritual single, married neither to Moses nor Christ.

There are many such today. The true Christian is married to Jesus Christ, a discipline infinitely more strict than the Law of Moses.

Infinitely more is required of the disciple of Christ than was true of the disciple of Moses. Infinitely more! A "living sacrifice" more.

The Lord Jesus Christ is asking for nothing less than your entire personality. He wants total obedience in your thoughts, your words, and your actions. He will accept nothing less than this.

He will be Lord of all or He will not be Lord at all. This is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is supreme in the creation. Let Him be supreme in your life.

Do not let anyone take your crown by bringing you back under some aspect of the Law of Moses.

It will only subtract from what you could have had, had you looked to Jesus alone for your righteousness.

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