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The Right Hand of God 3

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4-NIV) The above truly is an extraordinary passage.

Notice that we have not just been raised, we have been raised "with Christ." It is not that we just die and are raised, it is that we are crucified "with Christ" and are raised with Him to walk in newness of life. In light of this oneness with Christ we are commanded to think constantly about the things that are above.

All the pressures of life on earth conspire to bring our attention down to our situation in the world. Much discipline is required if we are to keep our mind fastened on the right hand of God.

We experience many feelings, many emotions, many spiritual experiences during our discipleship on the earth. But the believer who is successful in pursuing the way to eternal life is the one who sets his mind on what God has said and follows the Scriptures consistently and diligently, day by day, year by year.

The feelings and experiences come and go. It is the disciplined mind and will that bring us victoriously to the finish line.

We must choose, choose, choose whom we will serve.

Our mind and will must be razor sharp, unswerving, or we will be distracted and pulled down from our high position in God. We are to rule with a rod of iron, and that rod of iron is formed in our personality during our sufferings and tribulations on the earth.

"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." We died with Christ on the cross. We were crucified with Him. Our death with Christ is the origin, the source of all that takes place in our transition from an adamic soul to a life-giving, Christ-filled spirit.

The reason so many believers go through life without making progress in Christ is that they do not view themselves as having died. Perhaps they are trying to "die."

Perhaps they are viewing with dismay their behavior and are attempting to "do better." But the Bible states we have died with Christ and we are to live in this light.

When sin arises in our life we are to put it to death by confessing and turning away from it with the help of the Lord. We always are to act as though our sin and self-will already are dead, confessing them and turning away from them. In this manner what we are claiming by faith becomes a reality in our personality.

We start at the top, at the Throne of God. Now we are fighting our way downward. We are bringing our throne-life down into the remainder of our personality.

Until we count ourselves dead with Christ we remain under the authority of the Law of Moses, for the Law has jurisdiction over the living.

Until we count ourselves dead with Christ we cannot pass before the Judgment Seat of Christ, because it is appointed to men once to die and after this the judgement.

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