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The Quest 9

And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, (Hebrews 11:39 Heb 12:1)

Going to Heaven does not make us perfect, neither is Heaven the rest of God. The saints in Heaven are watching us who are on the earth for they cannot be made perfect apart from us. All the saints of the Lord will be made perfect together in the Day of the Lord.

Then we will descend with the Lord to Jerusalem on the earth to live and rule with Him for a thousand years. Jesus is not only our means of attaining the goal of our quest, Jesus Himself is the Goal of our quest. Any other goal is an idol.

Whoever will be a friend of this present world system makes himself the enemy of God. God is looking to see if we embrace the present system or if we sigh and mourn over the lust, perversions, and lawlessness that are being practiced. If we can be content in this moral cesspool God is ashamed of us. But if we always are looking toward the holiness of Heaven, God is not ashamed to be called our God.

God has prepared for us a city.

Emphasis is placed on the gems that adorn the twelve foundations of the wall of the city. It is a city that indeed has foundations.

The foundations and the wall are being constructed in our heart in the present hour. God desires no more unwalled Edens. He wants saints who can guard His creation from sin and rebellion forever.

Here is no vague, dream-like existence in a land of ghosts. Here is a real city, a city into which the kings of the earth can enter with their treasures. Our goal as Christians is to inherit the new Jerusalem.

The wall prevents us from seeing the city's inhabitants, from beholding their occupations, from hearing the sounds and the music that certainly are there. There have been many believers who have had dreams and visions of Heaven, but somehow their visions leave the feeling that what actually is within the wall has not as yet been witnessed by mortals. Perhaps these many inspiring accounts are true but incomplete.

In any case, the true Christian has one supreme objective in life: to attain perfect, complete union with the Lord Jesus Christ, becoming part of the Wife of the Lamb, the eternal city of God, the new Jerusalem. It is to have God acknowledge him as His son and heir of all the works of God's hands. The inheritance is unimaginably great. We cannot earn it but we must, according to the Scriptures, be found worthy of it.

Let us declare ourselves pilgrims and strangers in the world, pilgrims and exiles wandering in a land that indeed is "strange" to us in the present hour. No earthly joy or success is worth incurring the possibility of losing even the smallest fraction of what God has prepared for those who truly love Him. We will reap in due season if we do not faint.

(from The Quest)

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