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The Quest 3

Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. (1 Corinthians 1:26—NIV)

Ordinarily the saint is not to accomplish great things here, to become wealthy or famous. We are not of the world. We are strangers and pilgrims. We are on a quest for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, for eternal life, for the new Jerusalem. Our quest is to occupy the chief position in all of our thinking and doing. This is the true Christian walk—that which leads to eternal life.

No individual ever was found righteous in God’s sight by blind adherence to the Law of Moses apart from faith. Beginning with Abel, whose “more excellent sacrifice” was offered in faith, the men and women who have pleased God have been those who have demonstrated their faith in God by continually seeking Him. This is why the Spirit can use the saints of the Old Testament as examples to us concerning how to attain righteousness by faith.

God has never changed His ways of dealing with people. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is not a new way of pleasing God. God never has been or never will be pleased on any basis other than faith.

A statement of belief in the facts of the atonement can never serve as a substitute for a life of vigorous faith in God.

We ask people to raise their hands, thereby indicating they have “made a decision for Christ.” Now they can return to their jobs and pleasures, being fully assured that when they die physically they will go to Paradise, there to have fellowship with David, Elijah, and Paul. This is not sound teaching.

John the Baptist did not preach this kind of “grace.” Jesus of Nazareth did not preach this kind of “grace.” The Apostles of the Lamb did not preach this kind of “grace.”

Every true prophet of God, whether of the old covenant or the new, has warned his hearers to flee from the wrath to come. He has commanded, “Turn away from this cursed world! Take upon yourselves the reproach of the godly! Deny yourselves! Let your lives be a testimony of God’s righteousness! Live as men and women who are waiting for the Kingdom of God to come from Heaven!”

God’s expectations concerning people have never changed and never shall change. God requires that we live in humble dependence on Him in every aspect of our personality and behaviour. Without such consistent faith it is impossible to please Him.

A true saint, a Christian, is a person who is living as a foreigner on the earth. His life is a quest for the invisible God. His treasures are in Heaven above. His heart is in Heaven above. He hungers and thirsts for God as the dying man craves food and water. He is not at home here and he knows it and shows it in all that he is and does.

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. (Hebrews 11:13)

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