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The Name on the Forehead

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"No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and His servants will serve Him. They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads!" Revelation 22:3-4

In his vision of the heavenly city, John saw much that was wonderful. He saw the redeemed in their everyday life, and had glimpses of their glory and their happiness. Among other things he tells us, "His servants will serve Him. They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads!" It is well that we should look in upon the beauty and blessedness of the heavenly home, when we may—that we may know something of the glory that is waiting for us. It is well that we should see a little of the life and the privileges of the saints who are with Christ—that we may be stimulated and encouraged in our struggles and our slow attaining. That is what WE are going to be by and by! These things will be said of US after a short while!

"His servants shall serve Him." That is what they do here on earth too—they serve Him. We are set here to toil. Our hands are full of tasks. Our work is never done. Paul loved to call himself, "the servant of Christ". He belonged to Christ altogether. Once he gathered all the creeds of his life into one great phrase, "Whose I am—and whom I serve." The Master's disciples are called and sent out to do their Lord's work in this world. All our work, even what we call secular work, belongs to our serving of Christ. "Whatever you do—in word or in deed—do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." The tasks that fill our hands through the long days, all are done for Christ—if we are really living for Him. We are always serving Him, not only when we are engaged in some spiritual service—but also when we are attending to our earthly affairs. We all have some little part to do also, in advancing our Master's kingdom. We are to help to carry the gospel to every creature. EASE is not to be even thought of—while we remain on this earth!

But some people suppose that this life of service is only for the earth—and that it will be no longer required when we pass into the heavenly life. Heaven is thought of by many, as a place of absolute rest, where the inhabitants will have nothing more to do forever. Indeed, in one of the beatitudes of the book of Revelation, we are told of the 'blessed dead'—that when they die in the Lord, they rest from their labors. But the word "labors" here does not mean things we do in love for our Master. It has in it the idea of painful toils, cares, anxieties, sufferings.

Much of earth's work is hard, sometimes bitter. It is often unrequited or poorly requited. It is burdensome and oppressive. Many good people suffer injustice at the hands of others. There are those also who are compelled to work in pain and ill health all their days. Then many spend their lives in toil—and have nothing to show for it at the end, nothing gathered for times of adversity and need. A great deal of the world's work—is full of labor and sorrow!

What the words mean, is that the servants of Christ shall rest from all that is hard, burdensome, and painful in earth's experience. Nothing of fret or pain or anguish can enter heaven. Whatever is burdensome or oppressive in labor will be left behind—but WORK will be a feature of the heavenly life. We are not going into an eternal world of idleness, when we leave this world. Indeed, heaven would not be a heaven to us—if we could never do anything there. For even in this world the sweetest, deepest, purest joy of life—is that which we find in doing good, in serving others.

This was Christ's own sweetest joy. He came to earth to serve. He loved, and love's deepest joy always comes in helping, blessing, comforting others. He bequeathed His joy to us, and so we find our holiest joy, as He found His—in serving others. If we have not learned this secret, we have one of life's sweetest lessons yet to learn—in beginning to serve!

There is a beautiful legend which tells that one shepherd was kept at home watching a fevered guest the night the angels came to Bethlehem with the announcement of the birth of Jesus. The other shepherds saw the heavenly host, heard their song, and beheld the glory. Returning home, their hearts were wonderfully elated. But all the night Shemuel sat alone by the restless sufferer and waited. His fellow-shepherds pitied him because he had missed the vision and the glory which they had seen. But in his patient serving he had found blessing and reward of his own. He had missed, indeed, the splendor of that night in the fields, and in his serving he gave up his own life, for the fever-poison touched him and he died. But he had tasted the joy of sacrifice, and then his eyes saw a more wondrous glory when he entered the Divine presence.

So it always is in life in this world. Those who sit by fever-beds, denying themselves the ease and indulgence which others seek, while they minister to human need, seem to miss much that is very beautiful. Their gentle ministry keeps them away from places of privilege, even from scenes of spiritual ecstasy. Their duty is to nurse the sick. Or they are mothers, caring for little children. While at their common tasks, they see not the angel hosts nor hear their songs. They are kept away from scenes of earthly gladness and joy. Their mission is to serve. But meanwhile they have their own reward—the sweet, sacred joy which comes into the hearts of those who love and serve in Christ's name.

"His servants shall serve Him." That is, in the heavenly life. They have served Him here, and they will continue to serve Him in heaven. What their work there will be—we do not know. We are told that the saints in glory will be as the angels. Angels serve. They are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation in this world. In the Scriptures we have many glimpses of angels at their work—cheering, helping, delivering, guiding God's children—always serving. If we are to be as the angels—we shall serve. Angels are sent everywhere to carry messages of comfort, cheer, and help. Why may we not be sent to this or other worlds on ministries of love?

We are told that in heaven we shall be like Christ, and He served. His life was an unbroken service of love. Of all the portraits of the Master in the New Testament, none is more characteristic than that one which shows Him girt with the towel and with the basin in His hand, washing His disciples' feet. "I am among you as He who serves," He said. He went about His tasks doing good. His days were all filled with kindness. We have accounts of a few great miracles wrought by Him—but all His hours and moments were filled with little words and deeds of love. He was always serving. For everyone He met—His heart yearned; to every pain and sorrow—His compassion went out; and to every human need—His hand was reached forth to help. He said He came to do the work of His Father, and that was love's work. He passed into heaven at the time of His ascension—but He did not cease to show kindness. Luke, referring to Christ's stay on earth, says that in that time He "began both to do and to teach." He only began His ministry of love. We do not see Him now going on our streets helping, comforting, cheering—but He has never ceased His activity in this world He continues to serve.

If we are to be like Christ in heaven, surely we shall serve too as He does. We have one instance in the Scriptures of saints from heaven coming back to earth to serve. Jesus was setting out on His journey to the cross. The burden on Him was very heavy. His heart was tender and the road before Him was indeed a sorrowful way. He did not shrink—but He needed comfort. So one night two glorious beings were sent from their abode in heaven to talk with Him and to encourage Him. These were Moses and Elijah. They had been centuries at home with God. Now they came back to earth to strengthen the Son of man in His hour of need.

May not this one recorded instance of such serving mean to us, that others who have passed into heaven also shall be sent back to earth on errands of love to those who need them in their struggles and sorrows? We do not know—we cannot tell—but if such service was rendered once—may it not be done again? May not others of Christ's servants be sent to this world to bring help, cheer, encouragement to those who are weary or troubled or faint?

Of this, at least, we are sure—that in heaven "His servants shall serve Him." Death does not interrupt life, nor does it end life's work. We shall have more love in our hearts in heaven, than we ever have here, and love always serves. Love would die—if it had no opportunity to help, to render aid, to do good. All our training in this world is toward usefulness. We are taught that we are to do good to all men, to bear one another's burdens, to be sons of consolation, to help the weak, to guard and keep other lives. Surely all this training is not for earth alone. In some way in heaven, we will continue serving Christ by serving others. Indeed, at the best, our life here is but a school of practice in which we are trained for the real work which it will be ours to do in the immortal years. "His servants shall serve Him."

"And they shall see His face." In this world we do not see our Lord's face. He is with us—but we do not see Him. We endure as seeing Him who is invisible—but no one ever saw God in this world. The Bible tells us, however, that we shall have the "beatific vision" in heaven. "And after my body has decayed, yet in my body I will see God! I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought!" Job 19:26-27. "When I awake, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see You face to face!" Psalm 17:15

One of our Lord's Beatitudes reads: "Blessed are the pure in heart—for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8. John says that in heaven "we shall be like Christ—for we shall see Him as He is." 1 John 3:2. One day we shall slip away from these scenes of earth. Our eyes shall be closed on all familiar things. Next moment—O rapture! they will be opened on the unveiled face of Jesus Christ! That is what death will be to you—if you are God's child. You may dread it—but it is only going to look at your Redeemer's face!

The bliss of heaven will be largely in being with Christ, in seeing His face, in enjoying His companionship. His friendship. The words, "they shall see His face" suggest that this will be the inspiration of the heavenly service. We know what a blessing the face of a loved and honored human friend is to us, as we go out on any hard task or dangerous duty. There are men whose "God bless you" makes us braver and stronger for days. One said, speaking of a dear and noble friend, "To meet him in the morning and have his smile, brightens all the hours of the day for me." What will it be in heaven to look into Christ's face of love in the morning and to have His smile!

To see the face of Christ is also a token of high honor. Not many people are admitted to the presence of a king. Only his favorites and those high in rank have this privilege. But in heaven all Christ's servants shall see His face. That is, they shall be admitted to the closest fellowship and shall have all the privileges of intimate friends.

What a blessed moment it will be when we are ushered into the presence of Christ! No wonder Paul says, "To depart and be with Christ—is very far better!" This is a beautiful world—it is part of our Father's house. It is wondrously adorned. It is sweet to live here, with human love to surround us with its gentleness. But it will be very far better to be with Christ, serving close by His side, looking into His face as we come and go.

"His name shall be on their foreheads." NAME in the Bible, stands for character. A man's name gathers into itself, all that the man is. When you hear the name of anyone mentioned, anyone you know, or anyone of whom you have heard much, the man's whole personality rises before your mind. So the name of God includes all that is revealed of God's character. To us it means all that God is to us. When it is said here that "His name shall be on their foreheads," the thought is that the Divine likeness is imprinted there.

There is evidently a close connection, too, between what is said in the second clause of the verse and the third. "His servants . . . shall see His face;" and therefore "His name shall be on their foreheads." While His servants look upon the brightness of their Master's face—its beauty is imprinted upon them. That is what the beloved disciple says in one of his epistles, "We shall be like Him—for we shall see Him even as He is." Looking upon Christ—makes us like Him.

Paul teaches the same remarkable truth: "We all, with unveiled faces, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory!" 2 Corinthians 3:18. This transformation is not a heavenly matter altogether—it will be completed there, when, all veils removed, we shall look directly into the face of Christ; but it is something for our earthly life too. It begins here, and it goes on, the likeness coming out ever more and more fully and clearly—as we know more and more about Christ.

Companionship with Him, communion with Him, looking into His face, prints upon us His likeness. Every day, if we live as we should, some new line of His beauty comes out on our faces!

But we must notice where the name of God is printed, "on their foreheads." The suggestion of Dr. Weston is very beautiful—the name is where others can see it—but where it is not seen by the person himself. You cannot see your own forehead, and you are not aware of the nobleness or the brightness that others see there. This unconsciousness of the radiance on the face, is part of the splendor; being aware of it would dim the brightness. We know that when anyone is conscious of the beauty or the refinement stamped on his face—a great part of the beauty or the refinement is gone. So self-consciousness mars spiritual loveliness. When a man knows that he is humble—he is no longer humble. The man who is truly poor in spirit—is not himself aware of the shining of his life, the splendor of his deeds, the power of his words, or of his ministries. The best people are always the least conscious of their goodness and worth. Others see the shining—but they do not.

There is a beautiful legend which tells of a godly man who was greatly beloved of the angels, who had seen much of his godly life on the earth. The angels asked God to give their favorite some new power, some fresh mark of the Divine favor, some new gift or ability, which would make him still more useful. They were told to see the man and ask him what special power he would like to have bestowed upon him. The angels visited him and asked him what gift he would choose. He said he was content and wanted nothing more. They pressed him to name something which God might do for him, or give to him. Would he not like power to work miracles? He said 'No—that was Christ's work.' Would he not like power to lead many souls to Christ? He answered 'No—it was the Holy Spirit's work to lead men to the Savior.'

The angels in their eagerness still begged him to name something which they might ask God to grant to him. At last he answered that if he must choose any new power—he would like the ability to do a great deal of good among men, without even knowing it. So it was granted that from that day his shadow, when it fell behind him where he could not see it, had wondrous healing power—but when it fell before his face where he could see it, it had no such power.

The legend teaches its own lesson. When a Christian is aware of the beauty of the Lord upon him, the beauty is dimmed. We are prepared for the largest usefulness, when we are unconscious of our preparation. "His name shall be on their foreheads." Others will see it shining there. This will be true in the heavenly life. "We shall be like Him." All the redeemed and all the angels will see the glory of the Lord on the face of each saint.

The same is true also of every sincere believer in this world. He bears the image of his Lord upon his life. This is not some mystic mark that no one can understand—it is the beauty of holiness. When we study the gospels and see Christ Himself, we learn what that name is which shines on the forehead of His friends. It is nothing mysterious or ethereal: it is patience, gentleness, thoughtfulness, humility, kindness; the spirit of forgiveness, meekness, peace, joy, goodness. People have no difficulty in discovering the marks of Jesus on those who wear them. But the holy ones themselves do not know that this blessed name is burning with such brightness on their brows. They are surprised when others speak of the beauty of the Lord upon them.

We remember it was said of Moses, when he came down from the mount from speaking with God, that his face was shining—the Divine glory lingered there. His face was so bright that the people were afraid to come near him, and he had to put a veil over it while he talked with them. But it is said also that Moses knew not, that his face shone.

We get a lesson in humility. Let us not think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think. Let us not think of our goodness, our devoutness, our worthy deeds, our helpful services at all. Especially, let us never talk of our virtues, our piety, of what we have done. We should seek to be full of the Spirit of God—but the Spirit does not mean to glorify us—He would honor Christ. We are to pray, "Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us"; but we should seek to have it shining where we may not see it, where it may honor God Himself. We are too apt to be conscious of our power and to assert ourselves before men in ways that hinder our usefulness and lessen our influence. "Let your light shine before men," said the Master, "that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father"—not you.

How shall we reach the blessedness of which these words from the Apocalypse give us a glimpse? These servants of God, serving Him, beholding His face, wearing His glory on their foreheads—seem far beyond us. They have climbed up the mountain to its summit—while we are still toiling away among the lowest foothills. How can we ever attain the lofty height where they appear? There is only one way—Christ. This blessedness must begin here—or we never shall reach it there. Heaven must come down to us, into our hearts—or we can never enter heaven. These noble features of the heavenly home are for the Christian life of earth—as well as the perfected life of glory. We must begin now to realize them. We must be Christ's people here—doing His will, going where He bids us go, busy in ministries of love in His name. We must see His face, dwell in His presence, enjoy His friendship here. We must bear His name on our foreheads—on these common days, where the world may see it. We must be Christ's now—or we cannot enter Christ's home and glory hereafter!

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