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The Marriage of the Lamb 47

Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness[righteous acts] of saints. (Revelation 19:7,8)

Thus far we have discussed four Divine works that are associated with the manifestation stage of the marriage of the Lamb:

The redeeming of the bodies of the members of the Bride.

Our being joined together with Jesus.

Our becoming visible to the peoples of the earth.

Our being given the authority and power of God for the purpose of cleansing all wickedness from the earth.

When we consider the awesome implications of these four aspects of redemption we can appreciate the necessity for the formation, reconciliation, and union stages of the marriage of the Lamb. Consider the present spiritual condition of the members of the Christian churches, and then imagine the chaos that would ensue if they suddenly were made immortal, joined with Jesus, made visible to the peoples of the earth, and given authority and power over the nations of the earth.

God is not foolish, neither does He place people in situations for which they are unprepared. Men do this sometimes, but God is careful to direct those who trust Him into areas of growth and service suitable to their maturity and ability. The wise placement of Christians on the earth is evident, and the Christian mystics, such as Sundar Singh, teach us that appropriate placement of people occurs in the spiritual world where we go when we die physically.

The final aspect of the manifestation stage we will mention, is the role of the members of the Bride in bringing eternal life to the dead creation.

We bring life and restoration to the material creation. The waters of eternal life flow from the personalities of the members of the Wife of the Lamb.

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. (Revelation 22:17)

Blessed is every person who is called to the marriage supper of the Lamb because the waters of life will flow in abundance from the Wife of the Lamb.

The spiritual fulfillment of the Old Testament feast of Pentecost is characterized by the outpouring of the Spirit of God on us.

The spiritual fulfillment of the Old Testament feast of Tabernacles is characterized by the springing up of a well of water from the depths of our personality. When the Lord Jesus is crowned King on the throne of our personality, the waters of eternal life begin to flow from the throne. As this takes place we become a tree of life.

It is the "trees of life" who will sustain the seekers after God, especially the believing Jews, during the hour of trouble that soon is to fall on the earth. These same trees of life will nourish the material creation throughout eternity to come.

Eternal life springs from those who have entered the union stage of the marriage of the Lamb.

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