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The Love of Money 4

The Love of Money

They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. (I John 2:19)

Antichrist begins his career among the people of God, as we can see concerning Gehazi, Judas, and Ananias and Sapphira. But those who are of Antichrist never were of God even though they may have a spiritual gift. Jesus never knew them even though they worked miracles in His name.

It is not true, as some teach, that Balaam was a false prophet. Balaam was a true seer. God came to him when he prayed.

If Balaam had been a false prophet he would have been able to curse Israel with no trouble. The problem arose because he was a true seer. Gehazi, and Ananias and Sapphira, chose death when they were fellowshiping with eternal life. Their conscious remorse will make Hell all the more unbearable for them. In like manner, Judas was one of the twelve who were closest to Christ.

We have no doubt that Antichrist will come from the Christian churches. Remember, Antichrist is not the opposite of Christ, he is the counterfeit of Christ.

Skillfully made counterfeit money can be detected only by an expert. It virtually is identical to genuine currency. It differs only in its source.

So it is true of Antichrist. He virtually is identical to Christ. He appears as an angel of light, not of darkness. He differs from Christ in his source. The Source of Christ is God the Father. The source of Antichrist is Satan.

Antichrist, "the son of perdition" (II Thessalonians 2:3), no doubt will come from among fervent Christian believers. Judas, another son of perdition, emerged from among the original twelve disciples.

Perhaps Antichrist will be the minister of a Christian church who sees in Christ the means of becoming wealthy and powerful. Little by little he will be drawn into Satan's power, as was true of Judas Iscariot, until he is thoroughly deceived. He will lead a multitude of other believers astray with him just as the preachers of money are leading multitudes astray in our day.

Judas did not realize Satan was using him, that he was a tool in the hands of the lords of darkness. Perhaps Antichrist will not realize Satan is using him-at least not in the beginning. No human being deliberately chooses eternal confinement in the lake burning with fire and sulfur.

How about today? Are we being led to believe we should use Christ in order to gain wealth, power, fame, success, positions of leadership, better jobs, houses, lands? Are we viewing material gain as godliness?

If we are, we need to read about Balaam, Judas, Antichrist. Covetousness will open a door in our personality through which Satan will enter and cause us to betray Christ. He who would love money is taking the first step toward the Lake of Fire.

Christ has warned us clearly. No man can serve God and money. Paul exhorted us to flee from the presence of those who teach that gain is godliness or that godliness is a means of acquiring money (I Timothy 6:5).

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