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The Lord sometimes flogs His children home!'

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"As chastened, yet not killed." 2 Corinthians 6:9

The Lord does not see fit to lay the same chastisements 
upon all His people. He has rods of different sizes and 
different descriptions
; though all are felt to be rods 
when God brings them upon the back.

The Lord chastises with one hand, and upholds with the 
other. In your spiritual experience, you may have passed
under many chastising strokes. And when they fell upon 
you, they seemed to come as a killing sentence from God's 
lips. You feared your illness might end in death. Under your 
bereavement, you felt as if you could never hold up your
head again. You thought your providential losses might 
prove to be your earthly ruin. Your family afflictions 
seemed to be so heavy, as to be radically incurable. 

All these were killing strokes. But though chastened,
you were not killed. You lost no divine life thereby; 
but you lost much that pleased the flesh; much that 
gratified the creature; much that looked well for 
days of prosperity, but would not abide the storm. 

But you lost nothing that was for your real good. 

If you lost bodily health; you gained spiritual health. 

If you lost a dear husband or child; God filled up the 
void in your heart by making Christ more precious. 

If you had troubles in your family; the Lord made it up 
by giving more manifestations of His love and grace. 

Your very losses in providence were for your good; 
for God either made them up, or what you lost in 
providence He doubled in grace. 

So that though chastened; you are not killed!

Has anything that has happened to you quenched 
or extinguished the life of God in your soul? 

As the dross and tin were more separated; has not 
the gold shone more brightly? Have you not held 
spiritual things with a tighter grasp? When God 
chastens His people, it is not to kill them; it is . . .

to make them partakers of His holiness, 
to revive their drooping graces,
to make them more sincere, upright and tender in conscience, 
to make them more separate from the world,
to make them seek more His glory,
to make them have a more single eye to His praise,
to make them live more a life of faith. 

Here is the blessedness—that when God chastises 
His people
, it is not for their injury, but for their profit; 
not for their destruction, but for their salvation; not to 
treat them with the unkindness of an enemy, but with 
the love of a friend!

Look at the afflictions, chastening and grievous sorrows
that you have passed through. Have they been . . .
friends to you, or enemies?
instruments of helping you, or hindrances?
ladders whereby you have climbed up to heaven, 
or steps whereby you have descended into hell?
means of taking you nearer to Christ, or means 
of carrying you more into the world? 

If you know anything of God's chastening, you will 
say, "Every stroke has brought me nearer to God! 
He has flogged me home!" As a father will seize 
his truant boy out of a horde of other children and 
flog him home, so the Lord sometimes flogs His 
children home!
 Every stroke laid upon their back 
brings them a step nearer to their home in the
mansions above!

In your own experience, you know that God's 
chastening have not killed you
. But rather they 
have been the means of reviving and keeping 
alive the work of grace upon your heart!

"As chastened, yet not killed." 2 Corinthians 6:9

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