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The Kingdom of Heaven 15

For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me. (Romans 15:3)

There always is a reproach on Christ and on those who are following Christ. Whenever God brings forth a new element of restoration, whether it is "the righteous shall live by faith," or water baptism or the born-again experience or holy living or "tongues," a reproach follows immediately.

Reproach on the Presence of Jesus may come from the world but ordinarily it comes from the Christians who are members of organizations that endured reproach when they were founded but since that time have become accepted by the world and by worldly, popular, wealthy, influential "Christians."

The true followers of the Lord Jesus are a despised, disgraced remnant on whom falls the reproach borne by Christ.

The Pentecostal ("tongues") movement is now established, and accepted by many religious leaders as being reputable. The reproach is lifting.

As we might have expected, God already is moving ahead.

Now we are learning that some of the widely held doctrines are not scriptural: for example, the substitution of "grace" for repentance and godly behavior; the overemphasis on the love of God; the likening of the Judgement Seat of Christ to an awards ceremony in which everyone is rewarded and no one is punished; the concept that the physical Jews will inherit the Kingdom on earth while the "saved Gentiles" are in "Heaven" playing harps on the bank of a river; the delusion that Paradise will be filled with sinning people who are "saved" by imputed (ascribed) righteousness.

When the Christians become aware that their comfortable position is being threatened, that all is not as well as they have believed, that God is calling on them to repent and that if they do not repent they will face an angry Christ, then the weight of their fury will fall on the godly remnant of believers.

As in time past, the members of the "accepted" churches will persecute viciously the remnant who are seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

The Scripture teaches that those who suffer with Christ today will be glorified together with Him. All who have borne the disgrace of the cross will be revealed in glory together. Here is the perfect justice of the God of Heaven.

But woe to those who are at ease in Zion! Woe to those who have made a profession of faith in Christ but who have chosen to walk in ways that are popular with the world and with worldly Christians!

They never have been persecuted for righteousness' sake. The blessing of the Lord is not on them. They have not gained the Kingdom of Heaven.

In review, to enter the Kingdom is not primarily to go to a place, although there indeed is a glorious Paradise in the spirit realm where the saints go to rest when they die (as far as we know). It is true, rather, that the Kingdom is born in us.

To enter the Kingdom of Heaven is to be changed into the image of Jesus and to be filled with His Presence. Although there is a spirit Paradise it is not the goal of our pilgrimage. The goal of our discipleship is perfect, complete union with the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself, not Paradise, is our Goal.

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