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The Importance of Doing God's Will

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As I understand it, there is nothing in the universe as important as doing the will of God. Under the Mosaic covenant, doing God’s will meant, for the most part, obeying the written commandments and statutes. Under the New Covenant, we also must obey the commandments issued by Christ and His Apostles.

As we obey Christ and His Apostles, Christ enters us to a fuller extent. The Day Star rises in our heart. Then we know God’s will for us moment by moment. As we follow God obediently, it becomes ever more true of us that God’s will and our will are brought into perfect harmony. To live in such harmony with God’s will is the greatest good we ever will experience; and we are wise if we pray each day that that such harmony will be brought about.

(3/6/2005) There are three major aspects of redemption. They are the blood of atonement, the Presence of the Holy Spirit in our life, and finally the dwelling in us of the Fullness of God.

The first two, the blood and the Spirit, are means to an end. The blood gives us the authority to enter the Fullness of God. The baptism with the Holy Spirit provides the wisdom and power by which we enter the Fullness of God. The Fullness of God is the supreme goal, the Omega of salvation.

How do we move past Pentecost to the Tabernacles experience, to the fullness of God? The issue is that of our will versus God’s will. After we have been forgiven through the blood atonement, we still can behave according to our own will. After we have been filled with the Spirit, have spoken in tongues, perhaps have exercised other gifts of the Spirit, we still can behave according to our own will.

But the Kingdom of God is the doing of God’s will in the earth as it is in Heaven. God is seeking an eternal temple, a place of rest for Himself. God cannot rest while we still are behaving according to our own will.

Therefore we are to pray that God might move us into this final experience. As we do, we begin to be challenged in many different ways. The common aspect of our challenges is the issue of God’s will versus our will. Are we going to resist the Spirit, following our own ideas, blaming people and circumstances for our pain, yielding to the lusts of our flesh, or are we going to pray "not my will but Yours be done" in each and every test?

You probably are being stretched today, for it is God’s will in our day to find as many believers as He can who will devote themselves to the moment by moment doing of the will of Christ.

There will be four great institutions of evil in the last days: the Antichrist government; Babylon; the false prophet; and the church of Laodicea. Each of these institutions will be guided and driven by the human mind.

The Antichrist government is civil government that ignores God and proceeds according to the wisdom and strength of man.

Babylon is religion, including Christianity, that is organized and guided by the wisdom and strength of man. Laodicea is the lampstand of God that is keeping Christ outside the door, as we see today in the numerous programs and seminars that ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit.

The false prophet is the attempt of religious people to exercise power by various metaphysical means, such as imaging, speaking creative words, and employing faith in faith instead of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the last days we will have the mark of Antichrist in our head and hand, or the name of the Lamb and His Father written on our forehead. To have the mark of Antichrist means we are living according our own will. To have the name of the Lamb and His Father written on our forehead means we are living according to God’s will.

Make your decision today whose name you desire to be written on you, for the age of moral and physical horrors is fast approaching.