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The Gospel in Psalm 110

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A magnificent display of the exaltation and sovereignty of Christ as High Priest of the Church is exhibited. It is delightful to study this glorious office. The contemplation tends to sanctify. May it mold us into heavenly likeness!

1. "The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I make Your enemies Your footstool."

Let us give thanks for every revelation of Christ. We can only see Him as the Father by the Spirit shall withdraw the veil. But here we are invited to contemplate His glorious session at the right hand of all preeminence. There He wields the scepter of universal supremacy. In mad rebellion many foes defy; but they must lie prostrate at His feet. The word is everlasting truth. Those My enemies that do not want Me to reign over them, bring here and slay them before Me. When His chariot-wheels of triumph shall crush the enemies, may we shout loyally, Lo! this is our God; we have waited for Him; He will save us!

2. "The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion; rule You in the midst of Your enemies."

The all-conquering instrument of this triumph is the proclamation of His truth from Zion, the type of His Church. This word when applied by the Spirit rides gloriously. No sophistry of man can gainsay. The rock is softened, and the heart of enmity melts into love. Thus in the midst of enemies the omnipotence of His kingdom rules. May this weapon beat down every hostile feeling of rebellious nature. Let our constant desire be, 'Come in, You to whom we vow allegiance. Take to Yourself Your great power, and reign within us as ruler of every thought.

3. "Your people shall be willing in the day of Your power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning; You have the dew of Your youth."

The Lord well knows His own. "They were Yours, and You gave them to Me." When He utters His attractive call they flock to Him on delighted wings. They swiftly fly as doves to their windows. Shining in the beauties of holiness, He attracts and captivates. His converts are innumerable, as the morning dewdrops of the lawn. They shall be multiplied as the sparkling gems which descend at dawn from heaven.

4. "The Lord has sworn, and will not repent, You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek."

Endless glories adorn our blessed Lord. As He is our King, so, also, He is our Priest. The Father's oath invests Him as successor of Melchizedek. As our Priest He brings Himself the all-atoning victim to the altar of the cross. As our Priest He enters the Holy of Holies, and sprinkles the expiating blood. As our Priest He bears our names upon His heart. As our Priest He blesses us with all the blessings which heaven can bestow. Jesus, we adore You as our High Priest forever.

5-7. "The Lord at Your right hand shall strike through kings in the day of His wrath. He shall judge among the heathen, He shall fill the places with the dead bodies; He shall wound the heads over many countries. He shall drink of the brook in the way; therefore shall He lift up the head."

All the powers of heaven encircle His banner. Throughout the world His triumphs shall be known. Those who have raised the rebel-arm shall be ground to powder. In His all-glorious work sustaining refreshment shall cheer Him. For the joy that was set before Him He endured the cross, despising the shame, and has set down at the right hand of the throne of God. What brook can more invigorate the thirsty traveler? Streams of reviving joy are flowing by our side. The invitation has gone forth, Drink, yes drink abundantly, O beloved!

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