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The Fall

No Further Obligation

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Revealing seeds of the inherent weakness of Americans, the renowned American President Theodore Roosevelt said this of America’s expansion to greatness: “It means nothing. There is not an imperialist in the country that I have yet met. Expansion? Yes; playing the part of a great nation…Expansion has been the law of our national growth. Our fathers worked, we rest; our fathers toiled, endured, dared, and we stay at home to avoid trouble; our fathers conquered the West, but we are a feeble folk and we cannot hold the Philippines.”

We are now witnessing the sudden evaporation of the national wealth and greatness given to these nations. Just as fast as Britain, no longer “Great” Britain, and America became global superpowers, their greatness and power is coming to an end. All our allies—our biblically described “lovers”—are turning against us, despising us. The once-powerful economic engine of America and Britain is quickly coming to a sudden, screeching halt—and it is futile to try to stop it!

Why? We have ignored our Creator and turned from His laws and commands. As Lincoln exclaimed, “We have forgotten God”!

RCG illustration/Paula Rondeau

RCG illustration/Paula Rondeau

RCG illustration/Paula Rondeau

RCG illustration/Paula Rondeau

Now, God is turning Himself from us. And He is removing the wonderful blessings bestowed to us through Abraham’s obedience. The skeptic, who thinks that the power and influence our nations had in the world was our own doing, cannot explain why our seemingly unlimited wealth and prestige is slipping from our grasp. (Politicians are usually blamed.)

Just as history proves the power and blessing poured upon our nations, recent world developments evidence our decline.

The loss of most of our strategic sea gates should be a shrill trumpet blast of alarm, announcing the downfall of our nations. The national security, military accessibility and economic stability, provided by these gates, are all but gone. One by one, they are being returned to “those which hate” us (Gen. 24:60).

In 1942, Japan seized Singapore. Later, the Suez Canal was turned over to Egypt. In 1977, the U.S. president signed an agreement to relinquish control of the Panama Canal at the end of 1999. Hong Kong was given to the Chinese. Time will tell which sea gate is to be surrendered next by the people no longer destined to control them!

More than their sea gates have been lost by our once mighty nations. Many vital resources are no longer produced on our soil.

We no longer dominate coal production—or supply the world with it. America now produces only 17 percent of the world’s coal. Together, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand produce just another 8 percent. While using more coal than any other nation except China, America now only produces about one-sixth of the world’s supply.

In 2005, America, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand also only produced a dismal 12.7 million barrels of crude oil per day—a mere 15.4 percent of the world’s production! From 1997 to 2001, oil exports from these nations dropped 72 percent! Today, we rely heavily on allies—and enemies—to supply us with the fuels that run our economy!

Pig iron and steel remain vital indicators of a nation’s power and economic success. Machinery, ships, cars, etc., all need iron and steel. We now produce less than 4 percent of the world’s pig iron and less than 8 percent of its steel. As with oil and coal, we must rely on the nations around us to build and supply us with cars, trains, ships and machinery.

No longer is our economy self-sufficient!

But there is more. Similar comparisons can be made with many basic resources: While once literally controlling the world’s nickel supply, there are no longer any active nickel mines in the U.S. Aluminum has also seen striking drops—from 80 percent to 8 percent.

In the 1950s, we produced over half of the world’s zinc, but that number has now dropped to less than 8 percent. From completely controlling the world’s supply of chromite, we now produce none. Bauxite is also now entirely produced in other countries.

Copper has seen similar reductions—from 23.4 percent to below 8 percent today. The production of so many goods and services that were once the “bread and butter” of our powerful economic engines has dwindled, many now having to be purchased from abroad.

After World War II, America loaned hundreds of millions of dollars to nations in Europe to help rebuild their war-torn cities. Nations literally lined up to receive aid in this rebuilding process, and to fortify themselves against the sweeping expansion of Communism. As the leader of the free world, America increased its spending to combat this.

No longer is this once great nation a lender—it is now a debtor!

Once possessing much of the world’s wealth—including large reserves of gold and precious metals—America is declining from her status of richest single nation ever. (Chapter Five reviewed more of this.)

American gold reserves, used to fortify the dollar, have all but disappeared. The same is true of silver, which is disappearing from American coinage. America’s reserves are now far below her debt to foreign nations. If all her creditors demanded payment in full, the United States would go bankrupt!

As statistics have shown, this nation was a powerhouse in the world. In 1950, we were a nationexporting goods and services. Today, we see a very different picture. Most products are made inother countries. Many resources and services are also imported from foreign nations. This has changed the leading production country to one with a massive and growing trade deficit, nowimporting scores of billions of dollars of goods more than it exports. While we no longer producemore, we continue to use more, spend more and waste more than any other nation!

We are now beholden to the nations around us—because we have chosen to forsake allegiance to God!

Israel Must Turn Back to God
Our nations only have one remaining hope. They must cease from their evil ways, and turn back to God. They must give Him the praise and honor He deserves!

In 1974, a Senate member proposed a resolution to declare April 30 as a “National Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer.” Modeled after President Lincoln’s 1863 “Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day,” the purpose of this day was to repent for “national sins.”

However, the resolution was overturned. Members of the House, and some of the Senate, did not approve use of the word “humiliation.” Cynics equated “repent of our national sins” to Americans feeling sorry or ashamed for the wealth and prosperity of the nation. The purpose of the resolution, as originally introduced by President Lincoln, was dismissed—even ridiculed!

Atheists and cynics actually concluded that there was no need to repent of anything! (Ironically, today, some in America’s leadership are apologizing across the world for ever having been great.)

That was the world of 1974. How much worse this nation has become in the intervening decades!

America has forgotten God. So has Britain. They have dealt falsely with Him—no longer recognizing that He is the great Provider. Due to this national rebellion and ingratitude, He is withdrawing His hand of blessing from us. Soon He will cause our peoples (America, Britain, Israel, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and certain Western European nations) to suffer horrible national punishment, through war, famine and disease—to be followed by invasion, capture and slavery!

The very blessings now taken for granted by these people will be completely stripped away. We are already witnessing this!

The only way to stop this prophesied fall is to turn to God, repent and follow His way!

Final Prophecies for America and Britain Today!
Most people will not seek God unless forced to—unless severe trials or other circumstances drive them to God. During good times, most are happy to trust in their own strength, crediting themselves for their successes and achievements, when they may have had little to do with blessings that came to them. On the other hand, these same people generally blame God when things go wrong in their life.

But understand this. God does not and has never owed blessings to anyone. He may choose to bless individuals or nations, for His own purposes, but no one automatically deserves prosperity, wealth, abundance and a generous portion of God’s bounty.

The Bible says that all have sinned (Rom. 3:23), which means all have qualified themselves for death(Rom. 6:23)—and nothing more!

So it is with the peoples of America and Britain. God has bestowed to them astonishing, unparalleled blessings beyond what any nation has ever enjoyed. He has kept His promise to Abraham to make many nations from him and to give the sons of Joseph the promised awesome birthright blessings after two and one-half millennia.

But our peoples have neither been grateful for these birthright blessings, nor sought God, repenting of our national sins!

No Further Obligation

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