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The End-time.

The End-time.

I will tell you what I think is going to take place from now until the Lord returns.

First of all, I believe God is telling me that catastrophic trouble is coming to the United States of America. During this time of trouble there will be periods of revival and spiritual refreshing. Repentance, turning away from sin and disobedience to God, will be emphasized.

Perhaps this season of revival will blend in and become part of the promised "spring rain," the revival of unprecedented power symbolized by the "two witnesses" of the eleventh chapter of the Book of Revelation.

I think this harvest revival will bring the Gospel of the Kingdom as a witness to every nation on the earth, according to the promise of the Lord in Matthew 24:14.

When the witness has been given to God’s satisfaction, God will withdraw the power of the revival. Then the results of the revival will be tested. Because lawlessness will abound, the love of the majority of those who became Christians during the "latter rain," spring-rain revival will grow cold.

A person will arise who will personify the antichrist spirit that has been in the world since the first century. He and the religious leaders will cooperate as the headquarters of the great religious Babylon is built on the site of the original Tower of Babel. Religious Babylon will include all the religious efforts of man, including Christianity.

Antichrist will demonstrate self-will in the establishing of democratic government. The False Prophet, whether an individual or not I do not know, will demonstrate self-will in religious matters.

The False Prophet will support Antichrist; that is, Christians who are able to exercise the power of the Lamb, but who are led by their own self-will and reasoning's, will support a government that professes to be dedicated to providing the needs of all the peoples of the world.

The true saints, the remnant, will be driven from the cities of the earth. At this time, I believe, the Throne of God will move from Heaven into the personalities of the godly remnant.

All the while that Antichrist and the False Prophet hold sway in the centers of civilization, there will be salvation in the remnant who are hidden away. But in the cities of the earth it will not be possible to be saved by accepting Christ, nor will it be possible to receive the Holy Spirit. Antichrist will have enough spiritual power to block the prayers of the unfortunates who did not choose to be part of the remnant.

When the morally darkest hour arrives, and people are speaking of worldwide peace and safety because there is no more tormenting witness of God, the power of God will return to the remnant. Then the sky will be opened and the Lamb of God will appear.

The deceased victorious saints will descend with the Lord and pick up their bodies from their place of interment. The remnant who are still alive on the earth will be changed from mortality to immortality. Then the entire company will be caught up to meet the Commander in Chief in the air.

The saints will ascend the thrones that govern the creation. Then the Lord and His saints will descend on the white war stallions and drive wickedness from the earth.

The Lord Jesus Christ will be crowned King of kings on David’s throne in Jerusalem. Then He will send out His saints to govern the nations that have survived the Battle of Armageddon.

The only people who can look forward to these last days with confidence are those who truly are abiding in Christ. A mere profession of having been "saved" will not be enough. We must be really living in Christ, serving Him each day, if we hope to stand in triumph before the Son of Man.

The Christian people in America need to be warned that the events of the end-time will be "out of the frying pan into the fire" for all except those who are genuine disciples of the Lord Jesus.

Eternal Life.