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The Day of Redemption.

The Day of Redemption

As I mentioned in my essay, there is coming a Day of Redemption in which God will save us by removing our sin and self-will. I listed several passages, of which the following is an example:

Who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. (I Peter 1:5)

I think the Day of Redemption, of Salvation, has begun. I believe this is why the Spirit of God is impressing on us the need to confess and turn away from the sins of the flesh.

I believe this is why we are experiencing the temptations and afflictions that we are, and are being instructed by the Spirit to prepare ourselves for the dangers and suffering that are ahead for God's people.

The Lamb shall have a bride without spot or wrinkle. The atoning blood will remove the spots from our robe, as we confess our sins and ask Christ's help in overcoming them.

The hot iron of suffering will remove the wrinkles as we bear affliction and remain faithful under the hand of God.

In that day you will say: "I will praise you, Lord. Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you have comforted me. (Isaiah 12:1)

As God approaches us He sees those aspects of our personality that are not in His image. He attacks them in one way or another. Our part is to remain patient and humble until God is satisfied that our wrinkles have been smoothed out. Then He will comfort us.

Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. (Hosea 6:1,2)

The above is a prophecy, declaring that after the two thousand years of the Christian Era, God will restore us and we shall live in His Presence.

I have listed above some of the unscriptural ideas that have been presented concerning how people finally will be rid of sin. If people never are delivered from the cravings and practice of sin, what kind of a place will Heaven be?

The Bible declares plainly that our Lord will have a Bride without spot or wrinkle. When and how can this happen if none of the suggestions that have been made are unscriptural?

In my essay I have set forth the scriptural procedure for putting to death the alien sins that live in our flesh. Also, the role that suffering plays in driving from us the sin that is part of our personality.

I believe one can say safely that the majority of Christian believers do not make much progress in these two areas before they die. Where, then, is the Bride without spot or wrinkle?

Realizing how what I am about to state may be misused, I will say that if there is to be a bride without spot or wrinkle, the work of instruction and redemption must continue in the spirit world after we die.

We know, of course, that our growth in Christ will continue for ages upon ages. But I am speaking specifically of the work of redemption, that is, the destroying of the work of Satan from our personality.

Let us take, for example, the longing to "be in charge." As we know, there are Christian people who have a tendency to want to be the head of every enterprise. Being just one of the members does not appeal to them.

That is one of the three temptations of Christ, isn't it. "Worship me," Satan said, "and I will give you the kingdoms of the world."

I wonder sometimes if some of the prominent people of our day have agreed to this deal and have been given occult power.

The response of Christ was to make Himself of no reputation.

Will such a drive remain in our personality after we die? Why shouldn't it? This would mean we never could be a part of the Bride of the Lamb unless it is corrected. The Body of Christ would not be much of a place of rest for God if there are members who are anxious to be preeminent.

Many of God's elect, His Church, who have lived on the earth have never known how to wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb. Neither have they had the same experience as the Apostle Paul—that of being crucified again and again and being raised again in Christ that others may profit from that resurrection life.

Will most of God's Church never have a chance to be delivered from the works of Satan; to grow to the fullness of Christ? Or will they have a chance to progress in the program of redemption after they die?

Now I must present an important disclaimer. I am not saying one can be careless and not follow Christ in the program of redemption, and then make up for it in the next world. People who try to outsmart God are themselves outsmarted!

The answer to the question of "second chance" is the parable of the sower. If we do not put to Kingdom use that with which we have been entrusted, when we die we will face a frowning Christ. We will hear the words, "Depart from Me, you wicked, lazy servant!

The Kingdom riches we have been given, even our very salvation perhaps, will be removed from us and given to another. The individual to whom our talents are given shall be blessed indeed; but we shall be sent into the outer darkness.

No, there is no second chance. Our instruction and redemption will proceed after we die, I believe, until we are without spot or wrinkle, only if we have been conscientious and faithful with what we have been given in this world.

There are numerous witnesses of God who have died and are in the spirit world, who will be made perfect together with us when the fullness of redemption has come from Christ. (Hebrews 11:39,40)

To whom much has been given shall much be required. Those who have been faithful to use what they have been given shall receive more. Those who have been careless and lazy with their Kingdom riches, even that which they have been given shall be removed and they shall be sent into the darkness.

So I assuredly am not teaching "second chance," which I think is sometimes in the minds of numerous believers. "I am not following Christ now, but after I die and go to Paradise by 'grace' I will be diligent with the things of the Gospel," as some believe.

This shall not happen!

No matter what you may think of my idea that our redemption may continue after we die, be diligent now. Pray every day and seek Jesus so you know His will for you.

Ask the Lord several times a day: "Am I doing what I am supposed to be doing? Am I where I am supposed to be?"

Then when you pass into His Presence, you will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter the joy of your Lord."

Do not give up no matter what happens to you. God is faithful. He knows your tears. He is bringing you to a large place of unimaginable righteousness, love, peace, and joy.

Be patient under His mighty hand. It will be worth it all when the treasures we have placed in Heaven have all been restored to us by a faithful Christ.

God has a place prepared for you. Now He is preparing you for that place of glory.

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