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The Confidence Expressed

I will fear no evil. Why should he? Nothing is really evil — but sin, and separation from God as the effect of sin. But to every believer sin is pardoned, put away, and covered; and separation from God is now impossible.

I will fear no evil. Why should he? No evil can happen to him. He knows who leads him into that valley, and why he is led there. Jesus is his leader — and it is the direct road to his Father's house! His life is safe, for it is identified with the life of Jesus. His property is safe, for it is lodged in the hands of Jesus. His home is near, and there he will dwell forever with Jesus. Grace is promised him, grace for dying, as well as for living; for in reference to his journey through this valley Jesus says, My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in your weakness. The promise is sure, for faithful is he who has promised, who also will do it. Intercessory prayer has been presented by Jesus, and prayer that avails much. What then is to be feared? Why should the most timid sheep in all the Savior's flock fear?

Two Reasons Are Assigned For His Confidence.

First; you are with me. Yes, Jesus accompanies every member of his flock through the valley. He has said, <p>I will never leave you, no not in the valley of the shadow of death! I will never forsake you. Surely I am with you always, even unto the end.<p> With confidence therefore may the Christian say, You are with me.

You, my tried Friend,
you, my kind and loving Father,
you, my almighty Savior,
you, my precious Comforter,
you my faithful Shepherd
 — You are with me!

Your rod and your staff — they comfort me.<p> By the rod and staff, the shepherd's instruments, we may understand the power and promise of Jesus — or his blessed Word andHoly Spirit. The rod that corrected us and proved our sonship, which reduced us to submission and acquiescence with your will — will sustain and comfort me. Your rod and staff which drew me near to yourself, and drove my enemies away — will comfort me too.

The rod and staff, emblems of the Shepherd's office — will be my comfort. His sweet Word, speaking to me; and his Holy Spirit working in me — will comfort me. Oh, how sweet the assurance felt by the sheep and lambs of Jesus in the valley: I am not alone, Jesus is here. I am not friendless, Jesus is my friend. I am not left to myself, I am in the care and charge of Jesus. Why then should I fear? What evil can happen to me, befriended and guarded like this?<p>

But there are some who should fear — for evil is before them. Yes every unbeliever, every impenitent sinner, any one, and every one, who is not led to Jesus — has cause to fear; for in their case the valley of death leads to weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth! The careless and presumptuous, are in the greatest danger; therefore let him that thinks he stands take heed, lest he fall. Every one should seek a saving interest in Jesus now — that they may share in the Shepherd's care and kindness then. The sheep of Christ should confidently trust in their shepherd, even in the valley of the shadow of death. They are safe, beneath their shepherd's eye. They are happy, savingly interested in their shepherd's love. They will soon emerge from the valley, and arrive in Immanuel's land! Once there, Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

Happy end to a weary journey! Blessed outcome to a trying conflict! Then, on the plains of glory — they shall feed forever — of the rivers of pure happiness — they will drink without interruption or satiety. Beneath the rock of ages — they will rest, and be disturbed no more. O glorious future of the sheep of Jesus, No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him!

Next Part The Banquet!